www.gusucode.com > external 工具箱matlab源码程序 > external/interfaces/webservices/http/+matlab/+net/+http/MessageBody.m

    classdef MessageBody 
    %MessageBody The payload of an HTTP message
    %   This object is contained in a RequestMessage or ResponseMessage.
    %   MessageBody properties:
    %     Data          - the data prior to conversion to or after conversion from 
    %                     a byte stream
    %     ContentType   - (read-only) the content type, if known
    %     ContentCoding - (read-only) content-coding of the payload
    %     Payload       - the raw byte stream, if set or saved
    %   MessageBody methods:
    %     string, char - return the data as a string or character vector
    %     show         - return the data as a string with optional maximum length
    %   If you want to send a RequestMessage that contains data (which is usually
    %   a PUT or POST request), you can set the Body property to your data or to a
    %   MessageBody object containing your data.  By default the data you specify
    %   goes into the MessageBody.Data property.  When you send a message
    %   containing this data, MATLAB converts the data to a uint8 vector that is
    %   the payload of the message sent to the server.  Conversion of MATLAB data
    %   to a payload depends on the type of the data and the Content-Type header
    %   field you specify in the message (e.g., using a ContentTypeField).  If you
    %   do not specify a content type, MATLAB heuristically tries to deduce the
    %   content type and creates a ContentTypeField naming that type.  These
    %   conversions are described for the Data property below.
    %   If you want to send a uint8 vector without any conversion, regardless
    %   of the value of the ContentTypeField, set Payload instead of Data.
    %   In a ResponseMessage that contains a payload, the Body.Data property
    %   contains the payload, converted to MATLAB data, based on the Content-Type
    %   specified by the server in the response message.  These conversions are
    %   described for the Data property below.
    %   Normally, either the Data or Payload is set, but not both.  If you
    %   explicitly set one, the other is cleared, and requests and responses have
    %   only Data set.  But  if you specify HTTPOptions.SavePayload, messages
    %   returned by RequestMessage.send, as well as messages stored in the
    %   returned LogRecords, will have both Data and Payload set, where Payload
    %   represents the uint8 vector sent to or received from the server, and Data
    %   is the MATLAB data.
    %   Also, both Data and Payload may both be set in the message returned by
    %   RequestMessage.complete, and in HTTPException.Request when there was an
    %   exception communicating with the server or converting the data.
    %   See also RequestMessage.Body, RequestMessage.send,
    %   RequestMessage.complete, ResponseMessage, HTTPOptions, LogRecord
    % Copyrite 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
    properties (Dependent)
        % Data - The payload of the message in the form of MATLAB data 
        %   In a RequestMessage, this is the MATLAB data prior to any conversion to a
        %   uint8 payload, and in a ResponseMessage, this is MATLAB data after
        %   conversion from a uint8 payload.  Data may be of multiple types.
        %   In a RequestMessage, conversion of Data to a payload depends happens when
        %   you call RequestMessage.send or RequestMessage.complete.  This conversion
        %   depends on the Content-Type you specify in the message and the type of
        %   Data.  If you do not specify a Content-Type, the send and complete methods
        %   try to deduce the type from the data and add the appropriate
        %   ContentTypeField to the RequestMessage.
        %   In a ResponseMessage, the Data represents the payload converted to a
        %   MATLAB type based on the Content-Type specified by the server in the
        %   ResponseMessage.
        %   Output Conversion for RequestMessage
        %   ------------------------------------
        %   The following explains how Data is converted to a payload in a
        %   RequestMessage based on the type/subtype and charset that you specify in
        %   the ContentTypeField.  In this description * means any subtype.
        %   application/json
        %      Data is converted to a Unicode string using the jsonencode function,
        %      and that string is converted to uint8 based on the charset (default
        %      UTF-8) using unicode2native.  If you already have a JSON-encoded string
        %      that you want to send in a message with a Content-Type of
        %      application/json, set the Payload property to the string or character
        %      vector.  That string will then be converted to uint8 using the charset
        %      in the ContentTypeField, or by default, UTF-8.
        %   text/* (any subtype other than csv or xml)
        %      If Data is a character or string array or cell array of character
        %      vectors, it will be reshaped and concatenated by row to form a vector.
        %      If data is of any other type, it will be converted to a string using
        %      the string function.  The resulting string will be converted to uint8
        %      based on the charset.  If you did not specify a charset, the default
        %      depends on the subtype.  For these subtypes:
        %           json  jtml  javascript css  calendar
        %      the default is UTF-8.  For all other subtypes, MATLAB examines the
        %      string to determine the charset.  If all characters are in the ASCII
        %      range, the charset is US-ASCII. Otherwise the charset is UTF-8.  Note
        %      that text types encoded as UTF-8, without an explicit charset
        %      that says UTF-8, may not be interpreted properly by servers, so it is
        %      best to specify UTF-8 explicitly if you think that your data is
        %      non-ASCII.
        %   image/*
        %      Data must be MATLAB image data in any form acceptable as the first
        %      argument to to imwrite (e.g., M-by-N, M-by-N-by-3).  Conversion of that
        %      data to uint8 depends on the subtype.  The following subtypes are
        %      supported:
        %        subtype                format used by imwrite
        %        -------                --------------------------
        %        bmp                    bmp
        %        gif                    gif
        %        jpeg                   jpeg
        %        jp2                    jp2
        %        jpx                    jpx
        %        png                    png
        %        tiff                   tiff
        %        x-hdf                  hdf
        %        x-portable-bitmap      pbm
        %        x-pcx                  pcx
        %        x-portable-graymap     pgm
        %        x-portable-anymap      pnm
        %        x-portable-pixmap      ppm
        %        x-cmu-raster           ras
        %        x-xwd                  xwd
        %      If the subtype is any value not in the above list, the subtype will be
        %      passed into imwrite as the format, which may or may not succeed.
        %      You can more finely control conversion of your image data to a payload,
        %      or override the type of conversion based on the subtype above, by
        %      specifying parameters to imwrite, other than the filename, in a cell
        %      array.  In this case, if you specify a fmt argument (the image format),
        %      it will override any conversion assumed above.  For example:
        %          body = MessageBody({imageData, 'jpg', 'Quality', 50});
        %          req = RequestMessage('put', ContentTypeField('image/jpeg'), body);
        %          resp = req.send(url);
        %       would convert imageData to JPEG with compression quality 50, and
        %       send it with 'image/jpeg' Content-Type to the specified url.
        %   application/xml
        %   text/xml
        %      If data is an XML DOM in the form of a Java org.w3c.dom.Document object
        %      (such as that returned the xmlread function), it will be converted to a
        %      string using xmlwrite.  If it is already a string or character vector,
        %      it will be unchanged.  The string will be converted to uint8 using the
        %      specified charset (default UTF-8).  
        %   audio/*
        %      Data must be a cell array of at least two values, an m-by-n matrix of
        %      audio data and a sampling rate in Hz, as described for audiowrite.  You
        %      can specify additional parameters to audiowrite by adding additional
        %      arguments to the cell array.  The following types are recognized:
        %          audio/x-wav      audio/wav          audio/mp4
        %          audio/vnd.wav    application/ogg    audio/flac 
        %   application/csv
        %   text/csv
        %   application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
        %   application/vnd.ms-excel
        %      If data is a table, it is converted using writetable.  For the csv
        %      subtypes, it and will be converted to comma-delimited text using the
        %      specified charset (default ASCII).  For the other types it will be
        %      converted to Excel spreadsheet data.  If you want to specify additional
        %      arguments (Name,Value pairs) to writetable, include the data in a cell
        %      array containing the additional arguments.  If these additional
        %      arguments include a 'FileType', that type must be consistent with the
        %      subtype you specify.  If data is a string or character vector, it will
        %      be sent unconverted as string using the charset specified in the
        %      content type (default US-ASCII for text/csv and UTF-8 for the others).
        %   If you do not specify a ContentTypeField in the RequestMessage, MATLAB
        %   attempts to guess the type, subtype and charset by examining the Data, and
        %   then processes the Data as above.  This guess may not result in the
        %   Content-Type you intended, or may fail to determine the type, so it is
        %   generally best to specify the Content-Type.  The following describes the
        %   assumed Content-Type based on the data.  Other types not listed below may
        %   be handled as well, but behavior for unlisted types is not guaranteed to
        %   remain the same in future releases.
        %     string, character array, cell array of character vectors
        %       text/plain
        %     table
        %       text/csv
        %     cell vector whose first element is table
        %       If there is a name,value pair in the vector with the value
        %       'FileType','csv' or there is no such pair, Content-Type is text/csv.
        %       If the FileType says 'spreadsheet' then the Content-Type is
        %       application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
        %     org.w3c.dom.Document
        %       application/xml
        %   If you have a uint8 vector of bytes to send and do not want any conversion
        %   on the data regardless of what is in the ContentTypeField, set Payload
        %   instead of Data.  If you want to send character-based data with no
        %   conversion other than the charset, and you are not specifying a
        %   ContentTypeField with one of the above content types that would process
        %   character data (such as application/json), you can set Data to a string or
        %   character vector.  For types that would process character data, set
        %   Payload to that string or character vector.
        %   Input Conversion for ResponseMessage
        %   ------------------------------------
        %   The following is a list of the Content-Types that MATLAB recognizes in a
        %   ResponseMessage based the type/subtype and charset in the received
        %   ContentTypeField.  These conversions are done only if
        %   HTTPOptions.ConvertResponse is true (which is the default).  A * below
        %   means any characters.
        %   application/json
        %     Data is converted to a string based on the charset (default UTF-8) and
        %     then to MATLAB data using jsondecode.
        %   image/*
        %     Data is converted to an image using imread with the specified subtype as
        %     the format, using default arguments.  If imread returns more than one
        %     value (e.g., an indexed image such as a GIF also returns a colormap, and
        %     a PNG image also returns an alpha channel), then Data is a cell array of
        %     those values.  The types of image data supported is the same as that
        %     listed above for image/* in a RequestMessage.
        %   audio/*
        %     Data is converted using audioread to a cell array of two values, an
        %     m-by-n matrix of audio data and a sampling rate in Hz.  The subtype
        %     determines the format used by audioread.  The types recognized are:
        %        audio/wav  audio/x-wav   audio/vnd.wav   audio/mp4   audio/flac
        %     Note that application/ogg is missing from this list because ogg data
        %     does not necessarily contain audio only.
        %   text/csv
        %   text/comma-separated-values
        %   application/csv
        %   application/comma-separated-values
        %     Data is converted to table using readtable, with assumed FileType of
        %     csv and charset, if specified, or MATLAB's default encoding.
        %   application/*spreadsheet*
        %     Data is converted to table using readtable, with assumed FileType
        %     spreadsheet.
        %   text/xml
        %   application/xml
        %     If Java is available, data is converted to a Java org.w3c.dom.Document
        %     using xmlread.  If Java is not available, data is processed as
        %     text/plain with the UTF-8 charset.
        %   If the type is not one of those listed above, then MATLAB determines
        %   whether it is one of the character-based types:
        %       text/* 
        %       any type mentioning a charset 
        %       application/*javascript
        %       application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        %       application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package
        %   MATLAB converts these types to a string, using the charset, if specified,
        %   or US-ASCII for text/plain, UTF-8 for the application types, and MATLAB's
        %   default encoding for the other types.
        %   Incoming Content-Types other than those above may be converted in the
        %   future.  If the type is not one of those that MATLAB recognizes, or if
        %   HTTPOptions.ConvertResponse is false, Data will contain  the payload
        %   converted to string if the type is character-based as listed above, or the
        %   raw uint8 vector otherwise.
        %   If conversion of incoming data is attempted but fails (for example,
        %   image/jpeg data is not valid JPEG data) the History property in the
        %   HTTPException thrown by RequestMessage.send will contain the
        %   ResponseMessage with Payload set to the uint8 payload and, if the type is
        %   character-based as listed above, the Data set to the payload converted to
        %   a string.
        %  See also Payload, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage, imwrite, imread,
        %  audiowrite, audioread, matlab.net.http.field.ContentTypeField,
        %  matlab.net.http.HTTPException.History,
        %  matlab.net.http.HTTPOptions.ConvertResponse, jsonencode, jsondecode,
        %  xmlwrite, xmlread
        Data   % scalar string, vector of char, struct or uint8, anything else
        % Payload - the raw bytes as a uint8 vector
        %   In a RequestMessage, you can set this property to a uint8 vector, instead
        %   of Data, if you do not want any output conversion or charset encoding on
        %   the array of bytes.  If you set Data instead the data will be converted
        %   based on the ContentTypeField as described for the Data property, and the
        %   COMPLETEDREQUEST returned by RequestMesage.send or RequestMessage.complete
        %   will contain that converted data in the Payload property.  In a
        %   ReponseMessage, this property will contain the uint8 vector received from
        %   the server, prior to conversion, if you specified HTTPOptions.SavePayload.
        %   As a convenience, if you store a scalar string or character vector in this
        %   property, it will be converted to a uint8 vector using the charset
        %   specified in or implied by the ContentType property in the MessageBody, if
        %   any, or UTF-8 if none was set.  If you desire a different encoding, you
        %   must encode it yourself (using unicode2native, for example) and store the
        %   resulting uint8 vector here.  Note that ContentType is not set in a new
        %   MessageBody until the MessageBody is stored in a RequestMessage that
        %   contains a ContentTypeField.
        %   No data types other than uint8 vectors, scalar strings, or character
        %   vectors are permitted here.  The result is always a uint8 vector.
        %   When you set this property, Data is cleared.  If you send a message where
        %   both Data and Payload are already set, Payload is sent and Data is
        %   ignored.  Only ResponseMessages and RequestMessages returned by
        %   RequestMessage.send or RequestMessage.complete can have both properties
        %   set at the same time.
        %   In a ResponseMessage returned by RequestMessage.send, this property is set
        %   to the raw bytes received if you specify a history return argument or
        %   HTTPOptions.SavePayload.  It is also set in the ResponseMessage in the
        %   History of an HTTPException if conversion of the payload to MATLAB data
        %   failed.
        % See also Data, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage, LogRecord,
        % matlab.net.http.HTTPOptions.SavePayload, unicode2native, HTTPException
    properties (Access={?matlab.net.http.internal.HTTPConnector, ...
                        ?matlab.net.http.RequestMessage, ...
                        ?matlab.net.http.ResponseMessage}, Hidden)
        % The real Payload, uint8 vector.  Unlike Payload, Setting this does not
        % change PayloadLength or clear Data.
        % The real Data
    properties (GetAccess={?matlab.net.http.ResponseMessage}, ...
                SetAccess={?matlab.net.http.RequestMessage, ...
                           ?matlab.net.http.ResponseMessage, ...
                           ?matlab.net.http.internal.HTTPConnector}, Hidden)
        % The PayloadLength, set each time Payload is set, but not changed when
        % PayloadInt is set.  Internal classes can set this to the payload length
        % without actually setting a payload, to indicate the size of the original
        % payload when HTTPOptions.SavePayload was false.
        PayloadLength % uint64 or []
properties (SetAccess={?matlab.net.http.Message,?matlab.net.http.RequestMessage}, Transient)
        % ContentType - Content-Type of the data (a MediaType, read-only)
        %   This value is a MediaType with contents identical to what would be
        %   obtained from calling ContentTypeField.convert() on the Content-Type field
        %   in the message containing this MessageBody.  This property determines how
        %   contents of the Data property will be or was converted.  If the
        %   Content-Type has a MediaType with a charset parameter, or implies a
        %   particular charset, that charset determines the encoding.
        %   You cannot set this property directly.  When you create a MessageBody,
        %   this property is initially empty.  It is also set to empty any time you
        %   set Data.  When you copy a MessageBody into a RequestMessage, or if you
        %   add a Content-Type field to the header, this property will be set to the
        %   value of the ContentTypeField, if there is one.  Otherwise it is left
        %   empty. The send and complete methods of RequestMessage then set this
        %   property based on the type of data you store in Data and the value of the
        %   ContentTypeField in the RequestMessage, as described for the Data
        %   property.  
        %   In an incoming message, this is normally the Content-Type in the
        %   ResponseMessage.  If Data is present this property indicates what
        %   conversion was done on the payload.  If Data is not present (due to a
        %   conversion error or suppressed conversion by setting 
        %   HTTPOptions.ConvertResponse to false) this indicates the conversion that
        %   should be done or was attempted on the payload.
        %   If conversion of the payload required two steps: first charset and then
        %   type/subtype (as is done for application/json or application/xml), but
        %   only the charset conversion was done (due to an unknown type or subtype, a
        %   conversion error, or suppressed conversion because
        %   HTTPOptions.ConvertResponse was false), Data contains the Unicode string
        %   and this property contains only the charset (i.e., Type and Subtype are
        %   empty).
        %   If you set Data, this property is cleared.  If you set Payload, this
        %   property is unchanged.
        % See also Data, Payload, MediaType, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage,
        % matlab.net.http.field.ContentTypeField
        ContentType % MediaType or []
        % ContentCoding - Content-Encoding of the payload (read-only)
        %   This property is set to indicate that the Payload of a received message
        %   is encoded.  When this is set, no processing was done on the payload and
        %   Data is empty.
        %   If MATLAB receives a message whose payload is encoded using a compression
        %   algorithm that it supports, such as gzip or deflate, it automatically
        %   decodes that payload before attempting any other conversions.  If decoding
        %   was successful, it optionally stores the decoded payload in Payload and
        %   the converted payload (if any) in Data.  In that case, this property is
        %   empty to indicate that the Payload is not encoded.
        %   If the payload was encoded but decoding was not successful, or you
        %   suppressed decoding by setting HTTPOptions.DecodePayload to false, the
        %   unprocessed still-encoded payload is returned in Payload, Data is left
        %   empty, and this property is set to a vector of strings representing the
        %   value of the Content-Encoding header field in the ResponseMessage.  In
        %   this case you can save the Payload as is (e.g., write it to a file), or
        %   process it according to the compression algorithm(s) specified in this
        %   property.  For example if the value is 'gzip' you can write the data to a
        %   file and use the gunzip command to process the data.
        ContentCoding string = string.empty
        function obj = MessageBody(data)
            if nargin > 0
                obj.DataInt = data;
        function obj = set.Data(obj, data)
            obj.DataInt = data;
            obj.PayloadInt = []; 
            obj.PayloadLength = [];
            obj.ContentType = [];
        function data = get.Data(obj)
            data = obj.DataInt;
        function obj = set.Payload(obj, value)
        % Normally this is set to a uint8 by the infrastructure, but we also allow
        % the user to set this to a string, in which case we'll convert it to native
        % using the charset in the ContentType, if any, or utf-8.
            if isempty(value)
                obj.PayloadInt = [];
                obj.PayloadLength = [];
                if (ischar(value) && isvector(value)) || (isstring(value) && isscalar(value))
                    charset = 'utf-8';
                    if ~isempty(obj.ContentType)
                        cs = matlab.net.internal.getCharsetForMediaType(obj.ContentType);
                        if ~isempty(cs)
                            charset = cs;
                    value = unicode2native(char(value), char(charset)); % TBD string
                    validateattributes(value, {'uint8'}, {'vector'}, mfilename, 'Payload');
                obj.PayloadInt = value;
                obj.PayloadLength = length(value);
            obj.DataInt = [];
        function value = get.Payload(obj)
            value = obj.PayloadInt;
        function str = string(obj)
        % string Return the Data converted to a string
        %   STR = string(BODY)
        %   This method is intended for display or logging only.  It returns the Data
        %   only if it is a scalar string or character vector.  If it is anything
        %   else, it returns a short message indicating the length of Payload in bytes
        %   (if set) or the length that the Payload would be if the MessageBody is
        %   sent in a RequestMessage.
        % See also show, Payload, RequestMessage
            data = obj.DataInt;
            if (ischar(data) && isvector(data)) || (isstring(data) && isscalar(data))
                % Data is a char vector or string
                str = string(data);
                % it's not a string or data not set
                str = obj.getNonCharString();
        function str = char(obj)
        % string Return the Data converted to a character vector
        %   For a description see string.
        % See also string, show
            str = char(obj.string());
        function str = show(obj, maxLength)
        % show Display or returns a human-readable version of the data
        %   show(BODY) displays the entire body if it is character data
        %   show(BODY,MAXLENGTH) displays at most MAXLENGTH characters of the data.
        %     If the data is longer than MAXLENGTH, it also displays a line indicating 
        %     the total length in characters. 
        %   STR = show(___) returns the output as a string instead of displaying it.
        %   This method is intended for diagnostics or debugging.  It displays or
        %   returns the Data only if is a scalar string or char vector.  If it is
        %   anything else, it returns a short message indicating the length of
        %   Payload in bytes (if known) or, if Payload length is not known, the
        %   length that the Payload would be if this BODY were to be sent in a
        %   RequestMessage.
        % See also string, char, Payload, RequestMessage
            data = obj.DataInt;
            if ~ischar(data) && ~isstring(data)
                % It's not a string or data not set; convert data to string.  This
                % could be extremely long, so it's subject to truncation.
                [data, lengthMsg] = obj.getNonCharString();
                if lengthMsg
                    % Not character data; it's just a message about length; so always print it
                    lenMsg = data;
                    len = 0;
                    % It's the converted data
                    len = strlength(data);
                    if nargin > 1 && len > maxLength
                        lenMsg = obj.bodyLengthMessageChars(len);
                [data, len] = matlab.net.internal.getSingleStringFromData(data);
                if nargin > 1 && len > maxLength
                    lenMsg = obj.bodyLengthMessageChars(len);
            if nargin > 1 && len > maxLength
                % Too long, output just the beginning and total length
                if isstring(data)
                    chars = data.extractBetween(1,maxLength);
                    chars = data(1:maxLength);
                if nargout == 0
                    fprintf('%s\n\n%s\n', chars, lenMsg);
                    str = sprintf('%s\n\n%s\n', chars, lenMsg);
                if nargout == 0
                    str = string(data);
    methods (Access=private)
        function [len, bytes] = getLengthBytes(obj)
        % getLength get length and contents of payload
        %   [len, bytes] = getLengthBytes(BODY) returns length of payload in bytes
        %   and optionally bytes of the payload.
        %     If only len requested:
        %        If PayloadLength is set, return it
        %        If PayloadLength and Payload not set, but Data is set, convert Data
        %        to Payload and return its length in bytes
        %     If both len and bytes are requested:
        %        If Payload is set, return its length and bytes.
        %        If Payload not set but Data is set, convert Data to Payload and 
        %        return its length and bytes.  This may return a length different 
        %        from that in PayloadLength.
        %     To determine the actual number of bytes in a received message prior to
        %     conversion, set HTTPOptions.SavePayload or request history when sending
        %     the message.
            if nargout > 1 || isempty(obj.PayloadLength)
                bytes = obj.getBytes();  % simply returns Payload if set, or converts
                len = length(bytes);
                len = obj.PayloadLength;
        function bytes = getBytes(obj)
        % getBytes returns the payload as a uint8 array of types
        %   If this is invoked on a MessageBody whose Payload has been set, this
        %   simply returns the Payload.  Otherwise this returns the bytes that would
        %   be sent if this MessageBody is used in an outgoing message and there is
        %   no Content-Type specified in the RequestMessage.  If you created this
        %   MessageBody for an outgoing message and haven't yet called send or
        %   complete in the RequestMessage, the ContentType will not yet be set and
        %   these bytes will be converted based only on the type of Data, as
        %   described for the Data property.  If you set the ContentTypeField of the
        %   RequestMessage and then call complete, the returned RequestMessage will
        %   contain a Body whose ContentType is set to that of the ContentTypeField,
        %   resulting in possibly different conversion.
        %   In an incoming message where Data has already been converted from the
        %   payload based on the incoming ContentType, but Payload has not been set
        %   in this object (for example, because you didn't specify 'SavePayload' in
        %   HTTPOptions), calling this method will give you the bytes that would be
        %   sent if you used this MessageBody, along with its ContentType, in a
        %   RequestMessage.  This may not necessarily be the same bytes that were
        %   received, since conversion is not exactly reversible.
        % See also Payload, RequestMessage, ResponseMessage, HTTPOptions.SavePayload
            if ~isempty(obj.PayloadInt)
                % If we have a payload, that's the bytes
                bytes = obj.PayloadInt;
            data = obj.DataInt;
            if isempty(data)
                bytes = [];
            bytes = matlab.net.http.internal.data2payload(data, obj.ContentType);
        function str = bodyLengthMessageBytes(obj)
         % Return message indicating total length of payload or data in bytes
            if ~isempty(obj.ContentType)
                if isempty(obj.ContentCoding)
                    mediaType = obj.ContentType.Type + '/' + obj.ContentType.Subtype;
                    mediaType = strjoin(obj.ContentCoding, ', ');
                msg = message('MATLAB:http:BytesOfContentData', obj.getLengthBytes(), char(mediaType));
                msg = message('MATLAB:http:BytesOfData', obj.getLengthBytes());
            str = string(msg.getString());

        function str = bodyLengthMessageChars(obj, len)
        % Return message indicating total length of data in characters; obj.DataInt
        % must be a char vector or string
            if nargin < 2
                if ischar(obj.DataInt) 
                    len = length(obj.DataInt);
                    len = strlength(obj.DataInt);
            if ~isempty(obj.ContentType)
                mediaType = obj.ContentType.Type + '/' + obj.ContentType.Subtype;
                mediaType = mediaType + ' ' + upper(matlab.net.internal.getCharsetForMediaType(obj.ContentType));
                msg = message('MATLAB:http:TotalCharsOfContentData', len, char(mediaType));
                msg = message('MATLAB:http:TotalCharsOfData', len);
            str = string(msg.getString());
        function [str, lengthMsg] = getNonCharString(obj)
        % Stringify non-string data, if possible.  Otherwise return a message about
        % the data's length in bytes.  Called when type of Data is not string or char
        % (it's [] or some other type).  If [] and there is a ContentType that has a
        % charset, convert Payload to string based on charset; otherwise return length
        % message. lengthMsg == true says str is a message about the length of the
        % data; if false str is the actual data as a string.
            if ~isempty(obj.Data) && ~isempty(obj.ContentType)
                charset = matlab.net.internal.getCharsetForMediaType(obj.ContentType);
                if ~isempty(charset)
                    % If there is an explicit or default charset, get the bytes,
                    % either by converting the Data or directly from Payload, and
                    % return them as a Unicode string
                    bytes = obj.getBytes();
                    str = string(native2unicode(bytes(:)', char(charset))); % TBD string
                    lengthMsg = false;
            % Data not characters; just return length message in bytes
            str = obj.bodyLengthMessageBytes();
            lengthMsg = true;