www.gusucode.com > external 工具箱matlab源码程序 > external/interfaces/webservices/restful/weboptions.m

    %WEBOPTIONS Specify parameters for RESTful web service
%   Syntax
%   ------
%   Description
%   -----------
%   OPTIONS = WEBOPTIONS constructs a default WEBOPTIONS object to specify
%   parameters for obtaining data from a web server.
%   OPTIONS = WEBOPTIONS(Name,Value) returns OPTIONS with the named
%   parameters initialized with the specified values. For each Name that
%   matches a property name of the WEBOPTIONS class (CharacterEncoding,
%   UserAgent, Timeout, Username, Password, KeyName, KeyValue, ContentType,
%   or ContentReader) the corresponding Value is copied to the property.
%   The size of OPTIONS is scalar. WEBOPTIONS issues an error if Name does
%   not match a property name.
%   WEBOPTIONS properties:
%      CharacterEncoding - Character encoding
%      UserAgent - User agent identification
%      Timeout - Connection timeout
%      Username - User identifier
%      Password - User authentication password
%      KeyName - Name of key
%      KeyValue - Value of key
%      HeaderFields - Names and values of additional header fields
%      ContentType - Type of content
%      ContentReader - Content reader   
%      MediaType - Media representation of POST data
%      RequestMethod - Name of HTTP request method
%      Arrayformat - format to use when QueryValue is an array
%      CertificateFilename - filename of root certificates in PEM format
%   % Example 1
%   % ---------
%   % Construct a default WEBOPTIONS object and set Timeout value to
%   % Inf to indicate no timeout.
%   options = weboptions;
%   options.Timeout = Inf
%   % Example 2
%   % ---------
%   % Construct a WEBOPTIONS object and set Username and Password.
%   % When displaying the object, Password is displayed with '*' values.
%   % For added security, use inputdlg to prompt for the values.
%   values = inputdlg({'Username:', 'Password:'});
%   options = weboptions('Username',values{1},'Password',values{2})
%   % Example 3
%   % ---------
%   % Construct a WEBOPTIONS object and set the value of ContentReader 
%   % to a function handle for the importdata function. This may be 
%   % helpful when reading certain text or CSV files.
%   options = weboptions('ContentReader', @importdata)

% Copyright 2014-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

classdef weboptions <  matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay
    properties (AbortSet)
        %CharacterEncoding Character encoding
        %   CharacterEncoding is a string indicating the desired character
        %   encoding of text content. Common values include 'US-ASCII',
        %   'UTF-8', 'latin1', 'Shift_JIS', or 'ISO-8859-1'. The default
        %   value is 'auto' indicating encoding is determined
        %   automatically.
        CharacterEncoding = 'auto'
        %UserAgent User agent identification
        %   UserAgent is a string indicating the client user agent
        %   identification. The default value is ['MATLAB ' version].
        UserAgent = ['MATLAB ' version]
        %Timeout Connection timeout
        %   Timeout is a positive numeric scalar indicating the connection
        %   timeout duration in seconds. The Timeout value determines when
        %   the function errors rather than continuing to wait for the
        %   server to respond or send data. Set the value to Inf to disable
        %   timeouts. The default value is 5 seconds.
        Timeout = 5
        %Username User identifier
        %   Username is a string identifying the user. If you set the
        %   Username property value, you should also set the Password
        %   property value. Basic HTTP authentication is utilized. The
        %   default value is the empty string.
        Username = ''
        %Password User authentication password
        %   Password is a string indicating the user authentication
        %   password. If you set the Password property value, you should
        %   also set the Username property value. If you display the object
        %   with the Password property set, the value is displayed with
        %   values of '*'. The actual value is obtained when you get the
        %   property's value. Basic HTTP authentication is utilized. The
        %   default value is the empty string.
        Password = ''
        %KeyName Name of key
        %   KeyName is a string indicating an additional name, such as a
        %   web service API key name, to add to the HTTP request header. If
        %   you set the KeyName property value, you should also set the
        %   KeyValue property value. The default value is the empty string.
        %   To add more than one request header, use the HeaderFields property.
        % See also KeyValue, HeaderName
        KeyName = ''
        %KeyValue Value of key
        %   KeyValue is a string, numeric, or logical indicating the value
        %   of the key, specified by KeyName, to add to the HTTP request
        %   header. If you set the KeyValue property value, you should also
        %   set the KeyName property value. The default value is the empty
        %   string.
        % See also KeyValue
        KeyValue = ''
        %ContentType Type of content
        %   ContentType is a string indicating the type of content to
        %   return. Permissible values are listed in the table below:
        %   Value      Description
        %   -----      -----------
        %   'text'     string for text/plain, text/html, text/xml, and
        %              application/xml content
        %   'image'    numeric or logical matrix for image/format content
        %   'audio'    numeric matrix for audio/format content
        %   'binary'   uint8 column vector for binary (non-string) content
        %   'table'    scalar table object for spreadsheet and CSV 
        %              (text/csv) content
        %   'json'     char, numeric, logical, structure, or cell array, 
        %              for application/json content
        %   'xmldom'   Java Document Object Model (DOM) node for text/xml
        %              or application/xml content. If not specified, XML
        %              content is returned as a string.
        %   'raw'      Dependent on content type: 'text', 'xmldom', and
        %              'json' content are returned as a char column vector,
        %              all others are returned as a uint8 column vector.
        %   'auto'     Automatically determined based on content type
        %              and is the default value.
        ContentType = 'auto'
        %ContentReader Content reader 
        %   ContentReader is a function handle used to read content. When
        %   used with the function webread, the data is downloaded to a
        %   temporary file and read using the specified function. The
        %   temporary file is automatically deleted after the data is read
        %   from the file. The function is passed the temporary filename as
        %   the first argument. You may be able to use an anonymous
        %   function to adapt a file-reading function that requires
        %   additional input arguments. ContentType is ignored when using
        %   ContentReader.
        ContentReader = []
        %MediaType Media representation of POST data
        %   MediaType is a string indicating the media representation of
        %   the content to post to a web service. The default value
        %   is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', indicating a form
        %   encoded string. For a complete list of values, refer to <a href="matlab:web('http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml') ">Internet media types.</a>
        %   The value is not validated against this list of media types.
        MediaType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        %RequestMethod Name of HTTP request method
        %   RequestMethod is a case-insensitive string indicating the HTTP
        %   method of the request. Permissible values are 'get', indicating
        %   the HTTP GET method, 'post' indicating the HTTP POST method, or
        %   'auto' indicating the method is determined automatically. The
        %   functions WEBREAD and WEBSAVE use the GET method when the value
        %   is 'auto'. The function WEBWRITE uses the POST method when the
        %   value is 'auto'. The default value is 'auto'. The value can be
        %   abbreviated.
        RequestMethod = 'auto'

        %ArrayFormat Method used to convert array query values
        %   ArrayFormat controls the format used to convert query values that 
        %   represent multiple values (e.g., vectors or cell arrays) in the URL.  
        %   It is a string with one of the following values: 
        %    ArrayFormat  Example where queryName='parm' and queryValue=[1,2,3]
        %     'csv'         parm=1,2,3             (default)
        %     'json'        parm=[1,2,3]
        %     'repeating'   parm=1&parm=2&parm=3
        %     'php'         parm[]=1&parm[]=2&parm[]=3
        %   A query value is considered to contain multiple values if it is:
        %     a non-scalar number, logical or datetime (each element is a value)
        %     a character matrix with more than one row (each row is a string value)
        %     a cell vector (each element is a value)
        %   Except for character matrices. arrays of more than one dimension are
        %   not supported.  In cell arrays, each element must be a scalar or
        %   character vector.
        ArrayFormat = 'csv'
        %HeaderFields Names and values of additional header fields
        %   HeaderFields is an m-by-2 cell array of character vectors specifying the
        %   names and values of additional header fields to add to the HTTP request
        %   header.  HeaderFields{i,1} is the name of a field and HeaderFields{i,2}
        %   is its value.
        HeaderFields = []
        %CertificateFilename File name of root certificates in PEM format
        %   CertificateFilename is a character vector or string denoting the location
        %   of a file containing certificates in PEM format.  The location must be in
        %   the current directory, in a directory on the MATLAB path, or a full or
        %   relative path to a file.  If this property is set and you request an HTTPS
        %   connection, the certificate from the server is validated against the
        %   certification authority certificates in the specified PEM file.  This is
        %   used by standard https mechanisms to validate the signature on the
        %   server's certificate and the entire certificate chain.  A connection is
        %   not allowed if verification fails.
        %   By default, the property value is set to the certificate file that ships with
        %   MATLAB, located at:
        %       fullfile(matlabroot,'sys','certificates','ca','rootcerts.pem')
        %   If you need additional certificates, you can copy this file and add your
        %   certificates to it.  MATLAB provides no tools for managing certificates or
        %   certificate files, but there are various third party tools that can do so
        %   using PEM files.  PEM files are ASCII files and can be simply
        %   concatenated.  Since security of HTTPS connections depend on integrity of
        %   this file, you should protect it appropriately.
        %   If you specify the value 'default' the above certificate filename will be
        %   used.
        %   If set to empty, the only verification done for the server certificate is
        %   that the domain matches the host name of the server and that it has not
        %   expired: the signature is not validated.
        %   Set this to empty only if you are having trouble establishing a connection
        %   due to a missing or expired certificate in the default PEM file and you do
        %   not have any alternative certificates.
        CertificateFilename = weboptions.DefaultCertificateFilename
    properties (Hidden)
        Debug = false;
    properties (Constant, Access=private)
        DefaultCertificateFilename = fullfile(matlabroot,'sys','certificates','ca','rootcerts.pem');
        function options = weboptions(varargin)
        %WEBOPTIONS constructor
            if nargin ~= 0
                % Parse the inputs from varargin, and return a structure.
                inputs = parseInputs(options, varargin);
                % Set the input values.
                options = setInputs(options, inputs);                
        %----------------- set methods ------------------------------------
        function options = set.CharacterEncoding(options, value)
        % Validate and set CharacterEncoding.
            defaultValue = 'auto';
            if ~strcmp(value, defaultValue)
                options.CharacterEncoding = validateCharacterEncoding(value);
                options.CharacterEncoding = defaultValue;
        function options = set.RequestMethod(options, value)
        % Validate and set RequestMethod.
        % Undocumented: Accept a matlab.net.http.RequestMethod
            if isstring(value)
                value = char(value);
            elseif isa(value, 'matlab.net.http.RequestMethod')
                value = char(value);
            value = validatestring(value, ...
                {'auto','get','post'}, mfilename, 'RequestMethod');
            options.RequestMethod = value;
        function options = set.UserAgent(options, value)
        % Validate and set UserAgent
            options.UserAgent = validateStringValue(value, 'UserAgent');
        function options = set.Timeout(options, value)
        % Validate and set Timeout.
            validateattributes(value, {'numeric'}, ...
                {'positive', 'scalar', 'nonnan'}, mfilename, 'Timeout');
            options.Timeout = value;
        function options = set.Username(options, value)
        % Validate and set Username.
            options.Username = validateStringValue(value, 'Username');
        function options = set.Password(options, value)
        % Validate and set Password.
            options.Password = validateStringValue(value, 'Password');
        function options = set.KeyName(options, value)
        % Validate and set KeyName.
            options.KeyName = validateStringValue(value, 'KeyName');
        function options = set.KeyValue(options, value)
        % Validate and set KeyValue.
            if ~isempty(value)
                if isstring(value)
                    value = char(value);
                validateattributes(value, {'string', 'char', 'numeric', 'logical'}, ...
                    {}, mfilename, 'KeyValue')
                value = reshape(value, 1, numel(value));
                options.KeyValue = value;
                options.KeyValue = '';
        function options = set.HeaderFields(options, value)
            options.HeaderFields = value;
        function options = set.ContentType(options, value)
        % Validate and set ContentType.
            if isstring(value)
                value = char(value);
            value = validatestring(value, ...
                {'text', 'image', 'binary', 'table', 'audio', 'json', ...
                 'xmldom', 'raw', 'auto'}, mfilename, 'ContentType');
            options.ContentType = value;
        function options = set.ContentReader(options, value)
        % Validate and set ContentReader.
            if ~isempty(value)
                validateattributes(value, {'function_handle'}, {'scalar'}, ...
                    mfilename, 'ContentReader')
                options.ContentReader = value;
                options.ContentReader = [];
        function options = set.MediaType(options, value)
        % Validate and set MediaType
            options.MediaType = validateNonEmptyStringValue(value, 'MediaType');
        function options = set.ArrayFormat(options, value)
        % Validate and set ArrayFormat
        % Undocumented: allow an ArrayFormat object
            if isstring(value)
                value = char(value);
            elseif isa(value, 'matlab.net.ArrayFormat')
                value = char(value);
            options.ArrayFormat = ...
                validatestring(value, {'csv','json','repeating','php'}, ...
                    mfilename, 'ArrayFormat');
        function options = set.CertificateFilename(options, value)
            value = validateStringValue(value, 'CertificateFilename');
            if strcmpi(value, 'default')
                value = options.DefaultCertificateFilename;
            options.CertificateFilename = value;
        function options = set.Debug(options, value)
            validateattributes(value, {'logical'}, {'scalar'}, mfilename, 'Debug');
            options.Debug = value;
    %-------------------------- Custom display ----------------------------
    methods (Access = protected)
        function group = getPropertyGroups(options)
        % Provide a custom display for the case in which options is scalar
        % and Password is non-empty. Override the default display of
        % Password to replace each character with '*'.
            group = getPropertyGroups@matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay(options);
            if isscalar(options)
                password = group.PropertyList.Password;
                if ~isempty(password)
                    group.PropertyList.Password = repmat('*', size(password));


function inputs = parseInputs(options, args)
% Parse the inputs from the args cell array. Set the default values from
% the properties of options. Value validation is not performed by this
% function.

% Construct the inputParser object.
p = inputParser;

% Add parameter names and default values.
props = properties(options);
for k = 1:length(props)
    p.addParameter(props{k}, options.(props{k}));


% Set the FunctionName and parse the values.
p.FunctionName = mfilename;

% Return parsed results.
inputs = p.Results;


function options = setInputs(options, inputs)
% Assign the input values to options if they differ (to avoid unnecessary
% set validation).

names = fieldnames(inputs);
for k = 1:length(names)
    name = names{k};
    value = inputs.(name);
        options.(name) = value;
    catch e


function value = validateCharacterEncoding(value)
% Validate CharacterEncoding value. Return a string.

if isstring(value)
    value = char(value);
validateattributes(value, {'char' 'string'}, {'nonempty', 'vector'}, ...
    mfilename, 'CharacterEncoding');

% Validate value using native2unicode.
    native2unicode('a', value);
catch e
    if strcmp(e.identifier, 'MATLAB:unicodeconversion:InvalidCharset')
        % Create new message to indicate CharacterEncoding and provide
        % additional examples.
        id = 'MATLAB:webservices:InvalidCharacterEncodingSpecified';
        examples = '''US-ASCII'', ''UTF-8'', ''latin1'', ''Shift_JIS'', ''ISO-8859-1''';
        msg = message(id, 'CharacterEncoding', value, examples);
        e = MException(id, msg.getString());
value =  value(:)';


function value = validateStringValue(value, name)
% Validate value as a char vector or string. Return a char row vector or return the
% empty string, if value is empty.

if ~isempty(value)
        if ischar(value)
            validateattributes(value, {'char'}, {'vector'}, mfilename, name);
            validateattributes(value, {'char' 'string'}, {'scalar'}, mfilename, name);
            value = char(value);
    catch e
    value = value(:)';
    value = '';


function value = validateNonEmptyStringValue(value, name)
% Validate value as a non-empty char vector or string. Return a char row vector.

    if isstring(value)
        value = char(value);
    validateattributes(value, {'char' 'string'}, {'nonempty','vector'}, mfilename, name);
catch e
value = value(:)';


function validateStringMatrix(value)
% Validate value as an m-by-2 string matrix or cellstr. Allow empty values but not
% empty names
    if ~isempty(value) || ischar(value) % empty char errors out below
        if isstring(value) || iscellstr(value)
            % validate string or cell array is m-by-2
            validateattributes(value, {'string' 'cell'}, {'size', [NaN,2]}, ...
                               mfilename, 'HeaderFields')
            if iscell(value)
                % check for empty names in 1st column
                tf = any(cellfun(@isempty, value(:,1)));
                if ~tf
                    % check for any cells that aren't row vectors or empty
                    tf = any(cellfun(@(z)~isrow(z) && ~isempty(z), value(:)));
                % check for empty strings in 1st column
                tf = any(value(:,1)=='');
            if tf
            % not string array or cellstr; always error on type
            validateattributes(value, {'cell array of character vectors', 'string'}, ...
                              {}, mfilename, 'HeaderFields');