www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/+cageview/+optimoutput/ParetoViewData.m

    classdef ParetoViewData < mbcgui.widget.ScrollTableData
    %cageview.optimoutput.ParetoViewData class
    %   cageview.optimoutput.ParetoViewData extends mbcgui.widget.ScrollTableData.
    %    cageview.optimoutput.ParetoViewData properties:
    %       MessageService - Property is of type 'handle'
    %       ObjectiveNames - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %       ObjectiveData - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %       RGBValues - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %       ObjectiveLimitsRows - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %       ObjectiveLimitsCols - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %       DisplayResults - Property is of type 'MATLAB array'
    %       Solution - Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
    %    cageview.optimoutput.ParetoViewData methods:
    %       getCellData - Indexing interface for scrolling tables
    %       getColumnCount - Return the number of columns in the data model.
    %       getRowCount - Return the number of rows in the data model.
    %       getStandardColumnHeaderData - Get data structure for specified column header.
    %       getStandardRowHeaderData - Get data structure for specified row header.
    %       reset - Reset the objective data
    %  Copyright 2005-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
    properties (AbortSet)
        %MESSAGESERVICE Property is of type 'handle'
        MessageService = [];
        %DISPLAYRESULTS Property is of type 'MATLAB array'
        DisplayResults = 'All';
    properties (SetAccess=protected, AbortSet)
        %OBJECTIVENAMES Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        ObjectiveNames = [];
        %OBJECTIVEDATA Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        ObjectiveData = [];
        %RGBVALUES Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        RGBValues = [];
        %OBJECTIVELIMITSROWS Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        ObjectiveLimitsRows = [];
        %OBJECTIVELIMITSCOLS Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        ObjectiveLimitsCols = [];
        %SOLUTION Property is of type 'MATLAB array' (read only)
        Solution = 0;
    methods  % public methods
        function val = getCellData(obj, R, C)
        %GETCELLDATA Indexing interface for scrolling tables
        %  DATA = GETCELLDATA(OBJ, R, C) creates a structure of data for the cell
        %  at the specified row and column.
        if length(obj.ObjectiveNames)<2 || R>C
            x = [];
            y = [];
            xlim = [-1 1];
            ylim = [-1 1];
            Xlab = '';
            Ylab = '';
            selpoints = [];
            sol = 0;
            if R==obj.getRowCount
                Xlab = obj.ObjectiveNames{C+1};
                Xlab = '';
            if C==1
                Ylab = obj.ObjectiveNames{R};
                Ylab = '';
            x = obj.ObjectiveData(:, C+1);
            y =  obj.ObjectiveData(:, R);
            x = repmat(x,1,3);
            y = repmat(y,1,3);
            x(~obj.RGBValues) = NaN;
            y(~obj.RGBValues) = NaN;
            switch obj.DisplayResults
                case 'Green'
                    x(:,2:3) = NaN;
                case 'Orange'
                    x(:,[1 3]) = NaN;
                case 'Red'
                    x(:,1:2) = NaN;
            xlim = obj.ObjectiveLimitsCols{C+1};
            ylim = obj.ObjectiveLimitsRows{R};
            selpoints = obj.MessageService.CurrentSolution;
            sol = obj.Solution;
        val = struct('xdata', x.', ...
            'ydata', y.', ...
            'xlim', xlim, ...
            'ylim', ylim, ...
            'xlabel', Xlab, ...
            'ylabel', Ylab, ...
            'SelectedPoints', selpoints,...
        end  % getCellData
        function nC = getColumnCount(obj)
        %GETCOLUMNCOUNT Return the number of columns in the data model.
        %   NC = GETCOLUMNCOUNT(OBJ) returns the number of columns in the data model.
        nC = max(length(obj.ObjectiveNames)-1,0);
        end  % getColumnCount
        function nR = getRowCount(obj)
        %GETROWCOUNT Return the number of rows in the data model.
        %   NR = GETROWCOUNT(OBJ) returns the number of rows in the data model.
        nR = max(length(obj.ObjectiveNames)-1,0);
        end  % getRowCount
        function val = getStandardColumnHeaderData(obj, C)
        %GETSTANDARDCOLUMNHEADERDATA Get data structure for specified column header.
        %   VAL = GETSTANDARDCOLUMNHEADERDATA(OBJ, C) returns a structure of data
        %   for the column header at location C.
        SelIdx = obj.MessageService.getFocusSolution;
        if SelIdx>0
            IndicatedValue = obj.ObjectiveData(SelIdx, C+1);
            IndicatedValue = NaN;
        val = struct('Value', num2cell(IndicatedValue, 1), ...
            'Limits', obj.ObjectiveLimitsCols(C+1), ...
            'Label', obj.ObjectiveNames(C+1));
        end  % getStandardColumnHeaderData
        function val = getStandardRowHeaderData(obj, R)
        %GETSTANDARDROWHEADERDATA Get data structure for specified row header.
        %   VAL = GETSTANDARDROWHEADERDATA(OBJ, R) returns a structure of data for
        %   the row header at location R.
        SelIdx = obj.MessageService.getFocusSolution;
        if SelIdx>0
            IndicatedValue = obj.ObjectiveData(SelIdx, R);
            IndicatedValue = NaN;
        val = struct('Value', num2cell(IndicatedValue, 1)', ...
            'Limits', obj.ObjectiveLimitsRows(R)', ...
            'Label', obj.ObjectiveNames(R)');
        end  % getStandardRowHeaderData
        function reset(obj)
        %RESET Reset the objective data
        %   RESET(OBJ) re-calculates the objective data from the message service
        %   and resets the view limits.
        Data = [];
        Names = {};
        rgbValues = [];
        sol = 0;
        if ~isempty(obj.MessageService) && obj.MessageService.hasData
            out = obj.MessageService.getOptimOutput;
            if strcmpi(obj.MessageService.CurrentSliceDirection, 'WeightedSolution')
                [Data, Names] = getWeightedSolution(out, ...
                    'OutputFormat', 'matrix', 'OutputContents', {'Objectives'});
                % Display weighted point objective data.  The exit flag for a solution
                % is taken to be the minimum exit flag over all runs
                exitFlags = getExitFlag(out);
                exitFlags = min(exitFlags,[], 1);
                rgbValues = [exitFlags>0 exitFlags==0 exitFlags<0];
                switch obj.DisplayResults
                    case 'Acceptable'
                        AcceptArray = all(isAcceptable(out,':',':'),1);
                        AcceptArray = true(size(Data,1),1);
                Data(~AcceptArray,:) = NaN;
                RunIdx = obj.MessageService.getFocusRun;
                if RunIdx>0
                    % Show standard pareto surface
                    [Data, Names] = getParetoSolution(out, RunIdx, ...
                        'OutputFormat', 'matrix', 'OutputContents', {'Objectives'});
                    exitFlags = getExitFlag( out, RunIdx, ':' )';
                    rgbValues = [exitFlags>0 exitFlags==0 exitFlags<0];
                    switch obj.DisplayResults
                        case 'Acceptable'
                            AcceptArray = isAcceptable(out, RunIdx, ':');
                            AcceptArray = true(size(Data,1),1);
                    Data(~AcceptArray,:) = NaN;
                    sol = getSelectedSolutionNumber(out,RunIdx);
        obj.ObjectiveData = Data;
        obj.ObjectiveNames = Names;
        obj.RGBValues = rgbValues;
        obj.Solution = sol;
        lims = cell(size(Names));
        for n = 1:length(lims)
            lims{n} = mbcmakelimits(Data(:,n));
        obj.ObjectiveLimitsRows = lims;
        obj.ObjectiveLimitsCols = lims;
        end  % reset
    end  % public methods
end  % classdef