www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgdatasetgui/@table/pasteRequest.m

    function pasteRequest(obj, SelObject)
%PASTEREQUEST Execute a paste operation on the table selection
%  PASTEREQUEST(OBJ, ROWSEL, COLSEL) pastes the data specified by the rows
%  and columns in the AsyncTableModelEvent object SELOBJECT.

%  Copyright 2000-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if ~isempty(obj.DatasetPointer)
    pDataset = obj.DatasetPointer;
    hDataset = pDataset.info;
    % The appropriate-ness of the data to be pasted should already have
    % been checked.  The isNumeric check here is just the last hurdle prior
    % to performing the paste
    if mbcutils.Clipboard.isNumeric()
        % Set a watch pointer to fill the time before the table visibly updates
        P = xregGui.PointerRepository;
        ptrID = P.stackSetPointer(obj.Parent, 'watch');

        new_data = mbcutils.Clipboard.paste();
        row_selection = SelObject.getRowIndices+1;
        col_selection = SelObject.getColumnIndices+1;
        if length(row_selection)==1 && size(new_data, 1)>1
            % Expand the row selection from the single cell selection
            row_selection = row_selection : (row_selection + size(new_data, 1) - 1);
        if length(col_selection)==1 && size(new_data, 2)>1
            % Expand the column selection from the single cell selection
            col_selection = col_selection : (col_selection + size(new_data, 2) - 1);
        % Convert the column indices to the dataset ordering
        col_selection = obj.pConvertDisplayToDataset(col_selection);
        hDataset = setValueAt(hDataset, ...
            row_selection, ...
            col_selection, ...
        pDataset.info = hDataset;
        % Tell table to reload its data

        P.stackRemovePointer(obj.Parent, ptrID);

        data = struct('Row', row_selection, ...
            'Column', col_selection, ...
            'NewValue', new_data);
        obj.send('DataChanged', xregGui.xregEventData(obj, 'DataChanged', data));