www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgfeaturenode/loadobj.m

    function obj = loadobj(obj)
%LOADOBJ Upgrade old versions of object
%  OBJ = LOADOBJ(OBJ) is called when an object is loaded.

%  Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

if isstruct(obj) && ~isfield(obj, 'Version')
    % Add a post-load action to remove feature children that shouldn't be
    % there.  The date number is datenum('15-Aug-2005').
    hLoad = mbcloadrecorder('current');
    hLoad.add({@i_fixchildren, address(obj.cgcontainer)}, 732539);
    % Add version field
    obj.Version = 2;

if isstruct(obj)
    obj = cgfeaturenode(obj);

function i_fixchildren(Proj, evt, pThisObj)
% It is possible that the originating node for this action was deleted as
% part of the cleanup of another node, so we need to check this is still a
% valid featurenode pointer
if isvalid(pThisObj)
    obj = info(pThisObj);
    if isa(obj, 'cgfeaturenode')