www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgnode/duplicatenode.m

    function [Tnew,pNewSubItem] = duplicatenode(T, SI)
%DUPLICATENODE Duplicate a Cage project node
%  NEWND = DUPLICATENODE(ND, P_SUBITEM) creates a new copy of node ND.
%  NEWND is the address of the resulting new node that is created.

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Call mctree duplicate method for basic duplication process
Tnew = address(duplicate(T));

% Sort out names.  This works by getting two lists - the old nodes and the
% new nodes - and passing pairs of nodes through the function usesamename
% to determine whether each node needs to be uniquely renamed.
pOld_nodes = preorder(T, @address);
if iscell(pOld_nodes)
    pOld_nodes = [pOld_nodes{:}];
pNew_nodes = Tnew.preorder(@address);
if iscell(pNew_nodes)
    pNew_nodes = [pNew_nodes{:}];

pNewSubItem = xregpointer;

nodes = infoarray(pNew_nodes);
nameok = parrayeval(pOld_nodes, @usesamename, {nodes});

PROJ = project(T);
for n = 1:length(nodes)
    if ~nameok{n}
        new_nm = uniquename(PROJ, name(nodes{n}));
        name(nodes{n}, new_nm);

Tnew = info(Tnew);