www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgoptimgui/@optimList/pListDisplayDetails.m

    function info = pListDisplayDetails(obj)
%PLISTDISPLAYDETAILS Get the display information for the list
%  INFO = PLISTDISPLAYDETAILS(OBJ) is called when the list needs
%  regenerating.  INFO must be a (n-by-3) cell array containing strings
%  that will be used to construct the list, where n is the length of
%  obj.ItemList.
%  INFO(:,1) contains filenames for the icons for each item.  An empty
%  string or empty cell will mean no icon is added for the item.  The
%  location of icons for the list is specified by overloading the method
%  INFO(:,2) contains the strings that describe each item.
%  INFO(:,3) contains the strings that describe the type of each item.

%  Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

nItems = length(obj.Items);
info  = cell(nItems, 3);

if nItems
    info(:,1) = pveceval(obj.Items, @iconfile);
    info(:,2) = pveceval(obj.Items, @name);
    info(:,3) = pveceval(obj.Items, @i_description);

function desc = i_description(node)
pOptim = getdata(node);
desc = pOptim.get('description');