www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgoptimnode/attachNewOutput.m

    function [obj, pOutNode] = attachNewOutput(obj, Output)
%ATTACHNEWOUTPUT Attach a new output data object to the optimization.
%   [OBJ, POUTNODE] = ATTACHNEWOUTPUT(OBJ,OUT) adds the new optimization
%   output OUT to the optimization.  This will either add a new output node
%   child or reuse an existing one if appropriate.  The output node that
%   has been used is returned in POUTNODE.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

pAllOutNodes = children(obj);
if isempty(pAllOutNodes)
    % Make a new node
    obj = addOutput(obj, xregpointer(Output));
    pOutNode = children(obj);
    % Find the last un-held existing output
    IsHeld = parrayeval(pAllOutNodes, @isPreserved, [], mbclogical);
    UseIdx = find(~IsHeld, 1, 'last');
    if isempty(UseIdx)
        % Assume that the last output is the latest. Get the table filler
        % from this output node.
        nOut = length(IsHeld);
        pLastOut = getOutput(obj, nOut);
        OldTableFiller = getTableFiller(pLastOut.info);
        % Make a new node
        obj = addOutput(obj, xregpointer(Output));
        pOutNode = children(obj);
        pOutNode = pOutNode(end);
        % Use existing node.  
        pCurrentOut = getOutput(obj, UseIdx);
        % Get the existing table filler object
        OldTableFiller = getTableFiller(pCurrentOut.info);
        % The data is put into the existing data pointer within the output
        % node.
        Output = setname(Output, pCurrentOut.getname);
        setaddress(Output, pCurrentOut);
        pOutNode = pAllOutNodes(UseIdx);
    % Put the table filler in the new output object
    pNewOut = pOutNode.getdata;
    pNewOut.info = setTableFiller(pNewOut.info, OldTableFiller);