www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgsurfview/@dataviewer/canPrint.m

    function out = canPrint(obj,plottype)
%CANPRINT Check whether printing is possible.
%   CANPRINT(OBJ, TYPE) checks whether printing is possible for
%   the specified plot type.  This does not take into account the currnet
%   configuration of the surface viewer such as whether a view has reduced
%   its dimensionality.  TYPE is the index of the plot type, as returned by
%   getPlotTypes.  The return value is true or false.
%   CANPRINT(OBJ) checks whether printing is possible for the current
%   dataviewer configuration.  This will only return true if there is at
%   least one visible plot that supports printing and is not displaying
%   data errors.

%  Copyright 2000-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if nargin==2
    out = obj.plottypes(plottype).cancopy;
    % Loop over actual visible views to see if they can copy
    out = false;
    vc = obj.visiblecards;
    for n = 1:numel(vc)
        % The visible card may be greater than the number of plot types if
        % the "message" card is being shown.  This is not printable so
        % nothing needs to be |-ed with out.
        if vc(n)<=length(obj.plottypes)
            out = out || obj.plottypes(vc(n)).cancopy;