www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgsurfview/@svdata/getSiblingDataRange.m

    function range = getSiblingDataRange(obj,ind,trim)
%GETSIBLINGDATARANGE Finds the maximum and minimum values across several objects
%  range = obj.getSiblingDataRange(ind,trim)
%  The returned range is calculated from the values returned by
%  getDataRange for this value and all its siblings. Both parameters are
%  optional.
%  See: getDataRange, setSiblings

%  Copyright 2004-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

%  $Revision $  $Date $

if nargin<3
    trim = false;
    if nargin<2
        ind = [];

ns = numel(obj.siblings); % includes this object
allranges = repmat( [ Inf -Inf ], ns, 1);
for i=1:ns
    allranges(i,[1 2]) = getDataRange(obj.siblings(i),ind,trim);
range = mbcmakelimits(allranges, 'loose');