www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgtools/@cgsurfacedragger/pButtonDown.m

    function pButtonDown(h)
%PBUTTONDOWNFCN Private method, called in response to a click on the surface

%  Copyright 2000-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

ax = h.Parent;
fig = ancestor(ax,'figure');
pt = get(ax,'CurrentPoint');

v = get(ax,'View');
if mod(v(2),180)==90
    % Dragging can't be done if the view is from above/below

intersection = pClosestPoint(h, pt);

% If no intersection was found, there can be no dragging.
if isempty(intersection)

r = intersection.yidx;
c = intersection.xidx;

% If there is a lock matrix, and this point is locked, don't allow dragging.
locks = h.LockData;
if  ~isempty(locks) && locks(r,c) == 1

data = h.ZData;

S.DragIndices = [r c];
S.DragValue = data(r,c);
S.StartValue = data(r,c);

% Make picker line visible
MaxLim = max(abs(get(ax,'ZLim')));
R = 1000*MaxLim;
set(h.PickerHandle, ...
    'XData', [intersection.x intersection.x], ...
    'YData', [intersection.y intersection.y], ...
    'ZData', get(ax,'ZLim'), ...
    'Visible', 'on');
S.PickerHandle = h.PickerHandle;

% Change mouse pointer
PR = xregGui.PointerRepository;
S.PtrID = PR.stackSetPointer(fig, 'top');
DragDataPtr = xregGui.RunTimePointer(S);

% Notify the listeners.
evtdata = struct('DragIndex', S.DragIndices, 'DragValue', data(r,c));
send(h, 'PointGrab', xregGui.xregEventData(h, 'PointGrab', evtdata));

% Grab exclusive use of motion in the window
set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@i_Motion, h, DragDataPtr});

% Get following button up event
bm = xregGui.ButtonUpManager(fig);
bm.getNextEvent({@i_ButtonUp, h, DragDataPtr});

function i_Motion(src, evt, h, DragDataPtr)
S = DragDataPtr.info;

P = vertexpicker(S.PickerHandle, '-force');
if ~isempty(P)
    zpoint = P(3);
    zpoint = S.StartValue;

S.DragValue = zpoint;
DragDataPtr.info = S;

dragindices = S.DragIndices;

% Update surface
zdata = h.ZData;
zdata(dragindices(1),dragindices(2)) = zpoint;
h.ZData = zdata;

% Send a drag event
evtdata = struct('DragIndex', dragindices, 'DragValue', zpoint);
send(h,'PointDrag',xregGui.xregEventData(h,'PointDrag', evtdata));

function i_ButtonUp(src, evt, h, DragDataPtr)
ax = h.Parent;
fig = ancestor(ax,'figure');
S = DragDataPtr.info;

% Remove motion function

% Re-set pointer and remove picker line
PR = xregGui.PointerRepository;
PR.stackRemovePointer(fig, S.PtrID);
set(S.PickerHandle, 'Visible', 'off');

% Send upate event
evtdata = struct('ChangedIndex', S.DragIndices, 'NewValue', S.DragValue);
send(h,'Update',xregGui.xregEventData(h, 'Update', evtdata));