www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgtradeoffgui/@toGVCell/getZoomFractions.m

    function fract = getZoomFractions(obj, selrect)
%GETZOOMFRACTIONS Create zoom fractions from a selection rectangle
%  FRACT = GETZOOMFRACTIONS(OBJ, SELRECT) creates a cell array with 2
%  cells containing zoom fractions for the x limits and y limmits
%  respectively.  These fractions are created from the overlap of the given
%  selection rectangle (a figure-based position rect) and the position of
%  the axes within the cell.

%  Copyright 2000-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Convert selection rectangle into same coordinate system as the axes.
selrect(1:2) = mbcgui.util.convertLocation(selrect(1:2), obj.hAxes);

ax_pos = get(obj.hAxes, 'Position');
ax_pos(1:2) = 1;
fract = cell(1,2);
fract{1} = i_createfract(ax_pos([1 3]), selrect([1 3]));
fract{2} = i_createfract(ax_pos([2 4]), selrect([2 4]));

function fract = i_createfract(ax_pos, sel_pos)

% Convert position  inputs to [x1, x2] instead of [x, w]
ax_range = ax_pos(2);
ax_pos(2) = ax_pos(1) + ax_range - 1;

sel_pos(2) = sel_pos(1) + sel_pos(2);
if sel_pos(2)<sel_pos(1);
    sel_pos = sel_pos([2 1]);

fract = [(sel_pos(1)-ax_pos(1))./ax_range, ...
    1 - (ax_pos(2)-sel_pos(2))./ax_range];

if fract(1)<0 || fract(1)>1
    fract(1) = 0;
if fract(2)>1 || fract(2)<0;
    fract(2) = 1;