www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgtradeoffgui/@toGVDataModel/resetZoom.m

    function resetZoom(obj, R, C)
%RESETZOOM Resets zoom on all graphs.
%  RESETZOOM(OBJ) resets the data so that all graphs are unzoomed.
%  RESETZOOM(OBJ, R, C) resets the zoom for a particular graph.  This may
%  lead to other graphs in the same row/column being reset.

%  Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if nargin==1
    obj.IsYZoomed = false(0);
    obj.IsXZoomed = false(0);
    obj.XZoomScales = {};
    obj.YZoomScales = {};
elseif ~isempty(obj.IsYZoomed)
    obj.XZoomScales{C} = [0 1];
    obj.IsXZoomed(C) = false;
    if obj.useCommonYAxis
        obj.YZoomScales{R} = [0 1];
        obj.IsYZoomed(R, :) = false;
        obj.YZoomScales{R, C} = [0 1];
        obj.IsYZoomed(R, C) = false;