www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgtradeoffnode/private/pGetOtherInputs.m

    function pOther = pGetOtherInputs(obj)
%PGETOTHERINPUTS Return pointers to all inputs apart from table's
%  P_INPUTS = PGETOTHERINPUTS(OBJ) returns pointers to all of the inputs in
%  the tradeoff, apart from those that are feeding into the tables.  The
%  returned inputs will include any items that are filling tables and any
%  inputs to display expressions.

%  Copyright 2000-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

pAll = [obj.FillExpressions, obj.FillMaskExpressions, obj.GraphExpressions];
pAll = pAll(~isnull(pAll));
if isempty(pAll)
    pOther = null(xregpointer,0);
    direct_inp = pveceval(pAll, @isinport);
    direct_inp = [direct_inp{:}];
    other_inp = cellfun( @getinports, infoarray(pAll(~direct_inp)), 'UniformOutput',false);
    pOther = unique([pAll(direct_inp), other_inp{:}]);
    pOther = setdiff(pOther, pGetTableInputs(obj));