www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/@cgtradeofftblnode/cgbsupport.m

    function supp = cgbsupport(nd, pSub, supp)
%CGBSUPPORT Get cgbrowser supported options
%  SUPP=CGBSUPPORT(OBJ, pSUB, SUPP) where SUPP is a structure of options
%  and pSUB is a pointer to the subitem to be shown, gets the options for
%  this particular node/subitem combination.

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

supp.renderer = 'painters';
supp.calmanager = true;
supp.helptopics = {'&Tradeoff Table Help','CGTRADEOFFTBLVIEW'};
supp.allowduplication = false;
supp.allowremoval = true;
supp.surfaceviewer = true;
supp.surfaceviewernodesfcn = @i_gensurfviewernodes;
supp.postdeletecallback = @i_deletecheck;

function [pNodes, selidx] = i_gensurfviewernodes(node)
% Find list of model nodes that matches the current models of the tradeoff
pTO = Parent(node);
[pActive, pPassive] = getOutputs(pTO.info);
pInTradeoff = [pActive, pPassive];
PROJ = project(node);
modelNodes = filterbytype(PROJ, cgtypes.cgmodeltype);
pNodes = null(xregpointer, size(pInTradeoff));
nDisp = 0;
for n = 1:length(modelNodes)
    pNode = findptr(modelNodes{n}, pInTradeoff);
    if ~isempty(pNode)
        nDisp = nDisp + 1;
        pNodes(nDisp) = pNode;
pNodes = pNodes(1:nDisp);
selidx = 1;

function i_deletecheck(cgb, evt)
% Refresh tree icons and labels
cgb.doDrawTree([], 'update');