www.gusucode.com > mbcview 工具箱matlab源码程序 > mbcview/cgvardiff.m

    function [OKleft,SpareLeft] = cgvardiff(left,right)
%CGVARDIFF Identifies the common variables in two sets of expressions
% [OKleft,SpareLeft] = cgvardiff(left,right)
%  each of left and right is either:
%       1) an array of pointers to cgvalues, which are our "variables"
%       2) a pointer to a cgexpression.  we call getinports on, and
%         our "variables" are any cgvalues in these.
%  OKleft contains those variables in "left" which are also in "right".
%  SpareLeft contains those variables in "left" which are NOT also in "right".

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% First decompose left and right into their ddvariables
if length(left)==1 && ~left.isddvariable
    left = left.getinports;
if length(right)==1 && ~right.isddvariable
    right = right.getinports;
left = cgindependentvars(unique(left));
right = cgindependentvars(unique(right));

NotInR = cgisindependentvars(left, right);
OKleft = left(~NotInR);
SpareLeft = left(NotInR);