www.gusucode.com > bigdata 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > bigdata/@tall/pTimesTranspose.m

    function C = pTimesTranspose(A, transposeA, B, transposeB)
%PTIMESTRANSPOSE matrix multiply with transposed inputs
%   PTIMESTRANSPOSE(A, transA, B, transB) performs a matrix-matrix multiply
%   of A and B applying transposes to A and B as appropriate. The two
%   transpose flags can have the following values:
%      0  No transpose
%      1  Non-conjugate transpose
%      2  Conjugate transpose
%   Example:
%       A = tall([ 1 2 3; 4 5 6 ]);
%       B = tall([ 7 8 9; 10 11 12 ]);
%       C = A'*B; % C is 2x2
%   See also: tall, tall/mtimes.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Special case for A'*B and A.'*B where both are tall and A is a column vector
if istall(A) && istall(B) && (transposeB==0)
    [A, B] = validateSameTallSize(A, B);
    A = lazyValidate(A, {@iscolumn, 'MATLAB:bigdata:array:FusedTimesTransANotColumn'});
    C = iDot(A, B, transposeA);

% Transpose the inputs if requested
A = iMaybeTranspose(A, transposeA);
B = iMaybeTranspose(B, transposeB);

% Now we can simply multiply them
C = mtimes(A,B);


function C = iDot(A, B, op)
% Do a dot product of two tall arrays given the operation type OP where:
%   op==1 means non-conjugating
%   op==2 means conjugating
if op==1
    C = sum(A.*B, 1);
    C = sum(conj(A).*B, 1);

function X = iMaybeTranspose(X, op)
% Transpose an array if specified by OP, where:
%   op==0 means no transpose
%   op==1 means non-conjugating transpose
%   op==2 means conjugating transpose
% Note that tall inputs cannot be transposed (op must be 0)
if op==0

% We are about to transpose. 
% This will throw an appropriate error if the input is tall.
if op==1
    X = transpose(X);
elseif op==2
    X = ctranspose(X);