www.gusucode.com > hdlfilter 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > hdlfilter/hdlminphase.m

    %% HDL Minimum Phase FIRT Filter
% This example illustrates how to generate HDL code for a minimum
% phase FIRT filter with 10-bit input data.  This is a bandpass filter 
% with sample rate of 96 kHz and passband from approximately 19 kHz 
% to 29 kHz.  This type of filter is commonly used in feedback loops 
% where linear phase is not sufficient and minimum phase or as close 
% as is achievable is required.

% Copyright 2004-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Set up the Coefficients
% Design the filter using firgr, which uses the generalized Remez design
% method. The use of the 'minphase' argument to firgr forces a minimum
% phase filter design. Then, use fvtool to visualize the filter
% response.

Fs  = 96000;
Fn  = Fs/2;
f   = [0 17000 20000 28000 31000 Fn]/Fn;
a   = [0     0     1     1     0  0];
w   = [5 1 5];
b   = firgr(44, f, a, w, 'minphase');
hfvt = fvtool(b,'Fs', Fs,...
              'MagnitudeDisplay', 'Magnitude (dB)',...
legend(hfvt,'Min Phase');

%% Examine the Phase Response
% Check the phase response of the filter.

hfvt = fvtool(b,'Fs', Fs,...
              'Analysis', 'phase',...
legend(hfvt, 'Min Phase');

%% Create the Quantized FIRT Fixed-Point Filter
% Having checked the minimum phase filter design, construct a
% FIR filter System object with 'Direct form transposed' structure.
% Set the coefficient word length to 15, and use full precision for the
% other filter settings.

b_fixed = fi(b,1,15); % use best precision fraction length
T_coeff = numerictype(b_fixed);
minPhaseFilter = dsp.FIRFilter('Structure','Direct form transposed');
minPhaseFilter.Numerator = double(b_fixed);
minPhaseFilter.FullPrecisionOverride = false;
minPhaseFilter.CoefficientsDataType = 'Custom';
minPhaseFilter.CustomCoefficientsDataType = T_coeff;
minPhaseFilter.ProductDataType = 'Full precision';
minPhaseFilter.AccumulatorDataType = 'Full precision';
minPhaseFilter.OutputDataType = 'Same as accumulator';

%% Check the Fixed-Point Filter Relative to the Reference Design
% Check the quantized filter relative to the reference design. The
% magnitude response is correct but the phase response is no longer
% min-phase, due to quantization.

hfvt = fvtool(minPhaseFilter, 'Fs', Fs, ...
              'Analysis', 'freq', ...
              'legend', 'on', ...
              'Arithmetic', 'fixed');
legend(hfvt, 'Min Phase');

%% Check the Impulse Response
% Plot the impulse response of the quantized filter. Many of the
% coefficients have quantized to zero and the overall response still
% meets the specification, even though the zeros have made the phase
% response non-minimum. These zeros lead to a smaller implementation
% because HDL code is not generated for multiplies by zero.

hfvt = fvtool(minPhaseFilter, 'Fs', Fs, ...
              'Analysis', 'Impulse', ...
              'legend', 'on', ...
              'Arithmetic', 'fixed');
legend(hfvt, 'Min Phase');

%% Generate HDL Code and Test Bench from the Quantized Filter
% Starting from the quantized filter, generate VHDL or Verilog.
% Create a temporary work directory. After generating the HDL code
% (Verilog in this case), open the generated file in the editor.  
% Generate a Verilog test bench to verify that the result match the
% results in MATLAB.  Use the chirp predefined input stimulus.
% To generate VHDL code and VHDL test bench instead, change the value for
% 'TargetLanguage' property from 'Verilog' to 'VHDL'.
% Assume an input of 10-bit word length with 9-bit fractional bits.

workingdir = tempname;
generatehdl(minPhaseFilter,'Name', 'hdlminphasefilt', ...
               'TargetLanguage', 'Verilog', ...
               'GenerateHDLTestbench','on', ...
               'TestBenchStimulus', 'chirp', ...
               'TargetDirectory', workingdir, ...
               'InputDataType', numerictype(1,10,9));

edit(fullfile(workingdir, 'hdlminphasefilt.v'));

%% Plot the Test Bench Stimulus and the Filter Response
% Plot the filter input stimulus and output response on separate plots.

x = generatetbstimulus(minPhaseFilter,'TestBenchStimulus','chirp','InputDataType', numerictype(1,10,9));
xrange = (0:length(x) - 1).*( Fn / (length(x) - 1))/1e3;
y = minPhaseFilter(x.');
subplot(2,1,1); plot(xrange, x); ylim(ylim.*1.1);
title('HDL Min Phase Filter Chirp Stimulus.');
xlabel('Frequency in kHz');
subplot(2,1,2); plot(xrange, y); ylim(ylim.*1.1);
title('HDL Min Phase Filter Response.');
xlabel('Frequency in kHz');

%% Conclusion
% You designed a minimum phase filter and then converted it to a FIR filter
% System object with tranposed structure. You then generated Verilog code
% for the filter design and a Verilog test bench to functionally verify
% the results.
% You can use a Verilog simulator, such as ModelSim(R), to verify these
% results.