www.gusucode.com > hdlverifier 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > hdlfilter/hdlduc.m

    %% HDL Digital Up-Converter (DUC)
% This example illustrates how to generate HDL code for a
% Digital Up-Converter (DUC). A DUC is a digital circuit which converts
% a digital baseband signal to a passband signal. The input baseband
% signal is sampled at a relatively low sampling rate, typically the
% digital modulation symbol rate. The baseband signal is filtered and
% converted to a higher sampling rate before modulating a direct
% digitally synthesized (DDS) carrier frequency.
% The input signals are passed through three filtering stages. Each
% stage first filters the signals with a lowpass interpolating filter
% and then performs a sampling rate change.  The DUC in this example is a
% cascade of two FIR Interpolation Filters and one CIC Interpolation
% Filter. The first FIR Interpolation Filter is a pulse shaping FIR
% filter that increases the sampling rate by 2 and performs transmitter
% Nyquist pulse shaping. The second FIR Interpolation Filter is a
% compensation FIR filter that increases the sampling rate by 2 and
% compensates for the distortion of the following CIC filter. The CIC
% Interpolation Filter increases the sampling rate by 32.
% The filters are implemented in fixed-point mode. The input/output word
% length and fraction length are specified. The internal settings of the
% first two filters are specified, while the internal settings of the
% CIC filter are calculated automatically to preserve full precision.

% Copyright 2004-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create Pulse Shaping FIR Filter
% Create a 32-tap FIR Interpolator with interpolation factor of 2.

pulseShapingFIR = dsp.FIRInterpolator;
pulseShapingFIR.InterpolationFactor = 2;
pulseShapingFIR.Numerator = [...
     0.0007    0.0021   -0.0002   -0.0025   -0.0027    0.0013    0.0049    0.0032 ...
    -0.0034   -0.0074   -0.0031    0.0060    0.0099    0.0029   -0.0089   -0.0129 ...
    -0.0032    0.0124    0.0177    0.0040   -0.0182   -0.0255   -0.0047    0.0287 ...
     0.0390    0.0049   -0.0509   -0.0699   -0.0046    0.1349    0.2776    0.3378 ...
     0.2776    0.1349   -0.0046   -0.0699   -0.0509    0.0049    0.0390    0.0287 ...
    -0.0047   -0.0255   -0.0182    0.0040    0.0177    0.0124   -0.0032   -0.0129 ...
    -0.0089    0.0029    0.0099    0.0060   -0.0031   -0.0074   -0.0034    0.0032 ...
     0.0049    0.0013   -0.0027   -0.0025   -0.0002    0.0021    0.0007 ];

%% Create Compensation Fir Filter
% Create an 11-tap FIR Interpolator with interpolation factor of 2.
compensationFIR = dsp.FIRInterpolator;
compensationFIR.InterpolationFactor = 2;
compensationFIR.Numerator = [...
    -0.0007   -0.0009    0.0039    0.0120    0.0063   -0.0267   -0.0592   -0.0237 ...
     0.1147    0.2895    0.3701    0.2895    0.1147   -0.0237   -0.0592   -0.0267 ...
     0.0063    0.0120    0.0039   -0.0009   -0.0007];

%% Create CIC Interpolating Filter
% Create a 5-stage CIC Interpolator with interpolation factor of 32. 

CICFilter = dsp.CICInterpolator;
CICFilter.InterpolationFactor = 32;
CICFilter.NumSections = 5;

%% Cascade of the Filters
% Create a cascade filter including the above three filters. Check the
% frequency response of the cascade filter.

DUC = dsp.FilterCascade(pulseShapingFIR, compensationFIR, CICFilter);

%% Generate VHDL Code for DUC and Test Bench
% Generate synthesizable and portable VHDL code for the cascade filter. 
% You have the option of generating a VHDL, Verilog, or ModelSim(R) .do
% file test bench to verify that the HDL design matches the MATLAB(R)
% filter.
% To generate Verilog instead of VHDL, change the value of the property
% 'TargetLanguage', from 'VHDL' to 'Verilog'.
% Generate a stimulus signal for the filter. The length of the stimulus
% should be greater than the total latency of the filter. 
% Generate a VHDL test bench to verify that the results match the MATLAB 
% results exactly. This is done by passing another property
% 'GenerateHDLTestbench' and setting its value to 'on'. The stimulus to
% test bench is specified using the 'TestBenchUserStimulus' property.
% Assume 16-bit signed fixed-point input with 15 bits of fraction.

t = 0.005:0.005:1.5;
stim = chirp(t, 0, 1, 150);

workingdir = tempname;
generatehdl(DUC, 'Name', 'hdlduc',...
                  'TargetLanguage', 'VHDL',...
                  'TargetDirectory', workingdir, ...
                  'GenerateHDLTestbench', 'on', ...
                  'TestBenchUserStimulus', stim, ...
                  'InputDataType', numerictype(1,16,15));

%% ModelSim(R) Simulation Results
% The following display shows the ModelSim HDL simulator running these
% test benches.
% DUC response to the a chirp stimulus:
% <<../hdlduc_screen.jpg>>

%% Conclusion
% In this example, you designed three individual interpolation
% filters, cascaded them into a Digital-Up Converter, verified the
% frequency response of the filter, and called Filter Design HDL Coder(TM)
% functions to generate VHDL code for the filter and a VHDL test bench
% to verify the VHDL code against its MATLAB result. The simulation
% result of the VHDL code proved that the generated VHDL filter produced
% a bit-true implementation of the MATLAB filter.