www.gusucode.com > ident 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > ident/EstimateAnARXModelOnlineWithKnownInitialParametersExample.m

    %% Create System Object for SISO ARX Model With Known Initial Parameters

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Specify ARX model orders and delays.
na = 1;
nb = 2;
nk = 1;
% Create a System object for online estimation of SISO ARX model 
% with known initial polynomial coefficients.
A0 = [1 0.5];
B0 = [0 1 1];
obj = recursiveARX([na nb nk],A0,B0);
% Specify the initial parameter covariance.
obj.InitialParameterCovariance = 0.1;
% |InitialParameterCovariance| represents the uncertainty in your guess for
% the initial parameters. Typically, the default |InitialParameterCovariance|
% (10000) is too large relative to the parameter values. This results in initial 
% guesses being given less importance during estimation. If you have 
% confidence in the initial parameter guesses, specify a smaller initial 
% parameter covariance.