www.gusucode.com > ident 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > ident/ForecastReposneOfTwoOutputNonlinearTimeSeriesModelExample.m

    %% Forecast Response of Multi-Output Nonlinear Time Series Model

% Load data.
z = iddata(y,[],0.1);
set(z,'Tstart',0,'OutputUnit',{'Population (in thousands)',...
    'Population (in thousands)'},'TimeUnit','Years');

% |z| is a two output time-series data set (no inputs) from a 1-predator 1-prey
% population. The population exhibits a decline in predator population due
% to crowding. The data set contains 201 data samples covering 20 years of 
% evolution.
% The changes in the predator (|y1|) and prey (|y2|) population can be 
% represented as:
% $$y_1(t) = p_1*y_1(t-1)+p_2*y_1(t-1)*y_2(t-1)$$
% $$y_2(t) = p_3*y_2(t-1)-p_4*y_1(t-1)*y_2(t-1)-p_5*y_2(t-1)^2$$
% The nonlinearity in the predator and prey populations can be fit using a
% nonlinear ARX model with custom regressors.
% Use part of the data as past data.
past_data = z(1:100);

% Specify the standard regressors.
na = [1 0; 0 1];
nb = [];
nk = [];
% Specify the custom regressors.
C = {{'y1(t-1)*y2(t-1)'};{'y1(t-1)*y2(t-1)','y2(t-1)^2'}};
% Estimate a nonlinear ARX model using |past_data| as estimation data.
sys = nlarx(past_data,[na nb nk],'wavenet','CustomRegressors',C);
% Compare the simulated output of |sys| with measured data to ensure it is
% a good fit.

% Plot the forecasted output of |sys|.