www.gusucode.com > ident 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > ident/SpecifyAdditionalAttributesofGreyBoxModelExample.m

    %% Specify Additional Attributes of Grey-Box Model  
% Create a grey-box model with identifiable parameters. Name the input and
% output channels of the model, and specify seconds for the model time units.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Use |Name,Value| pair arguments to specify additional model properties
% on model creation. 
odefun = 'motorDynamics';
parameters = 1;
fcn_type = 'cd';
optional_args = 0.25; 
Ts = 0;
sys = idgrey(odefun,parameters,fcn_type,optional_args,Ts,'InputName','Voltage',...
            'OutputName',{'Angular Position','Angular Velocity'}); 

% To change or specify more attributes of an existing model, you can use
% dot notation. For example: 
%  sys.TimeUnit = 'seconds';