www.gusucode.com > ident_featured 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > ident_featured/FaultDetectionExample.m

    %% Fault Detection Using Data Based Models
% This example shows how to use a data-based modeling approach for fault
% detection. This example requires Statistics and Machine Learning
% Toolbox(TM).

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% Early detection and isolation of anomalies in a machines operation can
% help to reduce accidents, reduce downtime and thus save operational costs.
% The approach involves processing live measurements from a systems
% operation to flag any unexpected behavior that would point towards
% a newly developed fault.

% This example explores the following fault diagnosis aspects:
% # Detection of abnormal system behavior by residual analysis
% # Detection of deterioration by building models of damaged system
% # Tracking system changes using online adaptation of model parameters

%% Identifying a Dynamic Model of System Behavior
% In a model based approach to detection, a dynamic model of the concerned
% system is first built using measured input and output data. A good model
% is able to accurately predict the response of the system for a certain
% future time horizon. When the prediction is not good, the residuals may
% be large and could contain correlations. These aspects are exploited to
% detect the incidence of failure.

% Consider a building subject to impacts and vibrations. The source of
% vibrations can be different types of stimuli depending upon the system
% such as wind gusts, contact with running engines and turbines, or ground
% vibrations. The impacts are a result of impulsive bump tests on the
% system that are added to excite the system sufficiently. Simulink model
% |idMechanicalSystem.slx| is a simple example of such as structure. The
% excitation comes from periodic bumps as well as ground vibrations modeled
% by filtered white noise. The output of the system is collected by a
% sensor that is subject to measurement noise. The model is able to
% simulate various scenarios involving the structure in a healthy or a
% damaged state.
sysA = 'idMechanicalSystem';
% Set the model in the healthy mode of operation
set_param([sysA,'/Mechanical System'],'OverrideUsingVariant','Normal')
% Simulate the system and log the response data
ynormal = logsout.getElement('y').Values;

% The input signal was not measured; all we have recorded is the response
% |ynormal|. Hence we build a dynamic model of the system using "blind
% identification" techniques. In particular, we build an ARMA model of the
% recorded signal as a representation of the system. This approach works
% when the input signal is assumed to be (filtered) white noise. Since the
% data is subject to periodic bumps, we split the data into several
% pieces each starting at the incidence of a bump. This way, each data
% segment contains the response to one bump plus random excitations - a
% situation that can be captured using a time series model, where
% the effect of the bump is attributed to suitable initial conditions.
Ts = 1/256;  % data sample time
nr = 10;     % number of bumps in the signal 
N = 512;     % length of data between bumps
znormal = cell(nr,1);
for ct = 1:nr
   ysegment = ynormal.Data((ct-1)*N+(1:500));
   z = iddata(ysegment,[],Ts);
   znormal{ct} = z;  % each segment has only one bump
plot(znormal{:}) % plot a sampling of the recorded segments
title('Measured Response Segements')

% Split the data into estimation and validation pieces.
ze = merge(znormal{1:5});
zv = merge(znormal{6:10});

% Estimate a 7:th order time-series model in state-space form using the
% |ssest()| command. The model order was chosen by cross validation
% (checking the fit to validation data) and residual analysis (checking
% that residuals are uncorrelated).
nx = 7;
model = ssest(ze, nx, 'form', 'canonical', 'Ts', Ts);
present(model)  % view model equations with parameter uncertainty

% The model display shows relatively small uncertainty in parameter
% estimates. We can confirm the reliability by computing the 1-sd (99.73%)
% confidence bound on the estimated spectrum of the measured signal.
h = spectrumplot(model);
showConfidence(h, 3)

% The confidence region is small, although there is about 30% uncertainty
% in the response at lower frequencies. The next step in validation is to
% see how well the model predicts the responses in the validation dataset
% |zv|. We use a 25-step ahead prediction horizon.
compare(zv, model, 25) % Validation against one dataset

% The plot shows that the model is able to predict the response in the
% first experiment of the validation dataset 25 time steps (= 0.1 sec) in
% future with > 85% accuracy. To view thw fit to other experiments in the
% dataset, use the right-click context menu of the plot axes.

% The final step in validating the model is to analyze the residuals
% generated by it. For a good model, these residuals should be white, i.e.,
% show statistically insignificant correlations for non-zero lags:
resid(model, zv)

% The residuals are mostly uncorrelated at nonzero lags. Having derived a
% model of the normal behavior we move on to investigate how the model can
% be used to detect faults. 

%% Fault Detection by Residual Analysis Using Model of Healthy State
% Fault detection is tagging of unwanted or unexpected changes in
% observations of the system. A fault causes changes in the system dynamics
% owing either to gradual wear and tear or sudden changes caused by sensor
% failure or broken parts. When a fault appears, the model obtained under
% normal working conditions is unable to predict the observed responses.
% This causes the difference between the measured and predicted response
% (the residuals) to increase. Such deviations are usually flagged by a
% large squared-sum-of-residuals or by presence of correlations.

% Put the Simulink model in the damaged-system variant and simulate. We use
% a single bump as input since the residual test needs white input with
% possibly a transient owing to initial conditions.
set_param([sysA,'/Mechanical System'],'OverrideUsingVariant','DamagedSystem');
set_param([sysA,'/Pulse'],'Period','5120') % to force only one bump
y = logsout.getElement('y').Values;

resid(model, y.Data)
set_param([sysA,'/Pulse'],'Period','512') % restore original

% The residuals are now larger and show correlations at non-zero lags. This
% is the basic idea behind detection of faults - creating a residual metric
% and observing how it changes with each new set of measurements. What is
% used here is a simple residual based on 1-step prediction error. In
% practice, more advanced residuals are generated that are tailor-made to
% the application needs.

%% Fault Detection Using Models of Normal and Deteriorated State
% A more detailed approach to fault detection is to also identify a model
% of the faulty (damaged) state of the system. We can then analyze which
% model is more likely to explain the live measurements from the system.
% This arrangement can be generalized to models for various types of faults
% and thus used for not just detecting the fault but also identifying which
% one ("isolation"). In this example, we take the following approach:
% # We collect data with system operating in the normal (healthy) and a
%   known wear-and-tear induced end-of-life state. 
% # We identify a dynamic model representing the behavior in each state.
% # We use a data clustering approach to draw a clear distinction between
%   these states.
% # For fault detection, we collect data from the running machine and
%   identify a model of its behavior. We then predict which state (normal
%   or damaged) is most likely to explain the observed behavior.

% We have already simulated the system in its normal operation mode. We now
% simulate the model |idMechanicalSystem| in the "end of life" mode. This
% is the scenario where the system has already deteriorated to its final
% state of permissible operation.
set_param([sysA,'/Mechanical System'],'OverrideUsingVariant','DamagedSystem');
y = logsout.getElement('y').Values;
zfault = cell(nr,1);
for ct = 1:nr
   z = iddata(y.Data((ct-1)*N+(1:500)),[],Ts);
   zfault{ct} = z;

% We now create a set of models, one for each data segment. As before we
% build 7:th order time series models in state-space form.
mNormal =  cell(nr,1);
mFault = cell(nr, 1);
nx = order(model);
for ct = 1:nr
   mNormal{ct} = ssest(znormal{ct}, nx, 'form', 'canonical', 'Ts', Ts);
   mFault{ct} = ssest(zfault{ct}, nx, 'form', 'canonical', 'Ts', Ts);

% Verify that the models |mFault| are a good representation of the faulty
% mode of operation:
compare(merge(zfault{:}), mFault{:}, 25)

% Normal and faulty estimated spectra are plotted below.
Color1 = 'k'; Color2 = 'r';
ModelSet1 = cat(2,mNormal,repmat({Color1},[nr, 1]))';
ModelSet2 = cat(2,mFault,repmat({Color2},[nr, 1]))';

axis([1  1000  -45  40])
title('Output Spectra (black: normal, red: faulty)')

% The spectrum plot shows the difference: the damaged mode has its primary
% resonances amplified but the spectra are otherwise overlapping. Next, we
% create a way to quantitatively distinguish between the normal and the
% faulty state. We can use data clustering approaches such as:
% * Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. See |fcm()| in Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
% * Support Vector Machine Classifier. See |fitcsvm ()| in Statistics
% and Machine Learning Toolbox.
% * Self-organizing Maps. See |selforgmap()| in Neural Network Toolbox.

% In this example, we use the Support Vector Machine classification
% technique. The clustering of information from the two types of models
% (|mNormal| and |mFault|) can be based on different kinds of information
% that these models can provide such as the locations of their poles and
% zeroes, their locations of peak resonances or their list of parameters.
% Here, we classify the modes by the pole locations corresponding to the
% two resonances. For clustering, we tag the poles of the healthy state
% models with 'good' and the poles of the faulty state models with
% 'faulty';
ModelTags = cell(nr*2,1);  % nr is number of data segments
ModelTags(1:nr) = {'good'};
ModelTags(nr+1:end) = {'faulty'};
ParData = zeros(nr*2,4);
plist = @(p)[real(p(1)),imag(p(1)),real(p(3)),imag(p(3))]; % poles of dominant resonances
for ct = 1:nr
   ParData(ct,:) =  plist(esort(pole(mNormal{ct})));
   ParData(nr+ct,:) = plist(esort(pole(mFault{ct})));
cl = fitcsvm(ParData,ModelTags,'KernelFunction','rbf', ...
   'BoxConstraint',Inf,'ClassNames',{'good', 'faulty'});

% |cl| is an SVM classifier that separates the training data |ParData| into
% good and faulty regions. Using the |predict| method of this classifier
% one can assign an input nx-by-1 vector to one of the two regions.

% Now we can test the classifier for its prediction (normal vs damaged)
% collect data batches from a system whose parameters are changing in a
% manner that it goes from being healthy (mode = 'Normal') to being fully
% damaged (mode = 'DamagedSystem') in a continuous manner. To simulate this
% scenario, we put the model in 'DeterioratingSystem' mode.
set_param([sysA,'/Mechanical System'],'OverrideUsingVariant','DeterioratingSystem');
ytv = logsout.getElement('y').Values; ytv = squeeze(ytv.Data);
PredictedMode = cell(nr,1); 
for ct = 1:nr
   zSegment = iddata(ytv((ct-1)*512+(1:500)),[],Ts);
   mSegment = ssest(zSegment, nx, 'form', 'canonical', 'Ts', Ts);
   PredictedMode(ct) = predict(cl, plist(esort(pole(mSegment))));

I = strcmp(PredictedMode,'good');
Tags = ones(nr,1);
Tags(~I) = -1;
t = (0:5120)'*Ts;  % simulation time
Time = t(1:512:end-1);
grid on
axis([0 20 -2 2])
title('Green: Normal, Red: Faulty state')
xlabel('Data evaluation time')

% The plot shows that the classifier predicts the behavior up to about the
% mid-point to be normal and in a state of fault thereafter.

%% Fault Detection by Online Adaptation of Model Parameters
% The preceding analysis used batches of data collected at different times
% during the operation of the system. An alternative, often more
% convenient, way of monitoring the health of the system is to create an
% adaptive model of its behavior. The new measurements are processed
% continuously and are used to update the parameters of a model in a
% recursive fashion. The effect of wear and tear or a fault is indicated by
% a change in the model parameter values.

% Consider the wear-and-tear scenario again. As the system ages, there is a
% greater "rattling" which manifests itself as excitation of several
% resonant modes as well as a rise in the system's peak response. This
% scenario is described in model |idDeterioratingSystemEstimation| which is
% same as the 'DeterioratingSystem' mode of |idMechanicalSystem| except
% that the impulsive bumps that were added for offline identification are
% not present. The response of the system is passed to a "Recursive
% Polynomial Model Estimator" block which has been configured to estimate
% the parameters of an ARMA model structure. The actual system starts in a
% healthy state but deteriorates to end-of-life conditions over a time span
% of 200 seconds.
initial_model = translatecov(@(x)idpoly(x),model); 
sysB = 'idDeterioratingSystemEstimation';

% The "ARMA model" block has been initialized using the parameters and
% covariance data from the estimated model of normal behavior derived in
% the previous section after conversion to polynomial (ARMA) format. The
% |translatecov()| function is used so that the parameter covariance data
% is also converted. THe block uses a "Forgetting factor" algorithm with
% the forgetting factor set to slightly less than 1 to update the
% parameters at each sampling instant. The choice of forgetting factor
% influences how rapidly the system updates. A small value means that the
% updates will have high variance while a large value will lead make it
% harder for the estimator to adapt to fast changes.

% The model parameters estimate is used to update the output spectrum and
% its 3-sd confidence region. The system will have clearly changed when the
% spectrum's confidence region does not overlap that of the healthy
% system at frequencies of interest. A fault detection threshold is shown
% using a black line in the plot marking the maximum allowed gains at
% certain frequencies. As changes in the system accumulate, the spectrum
% drifts across this line. This serves as a visual indicator of a fault
% which can be used to call for repairs in real-life systems.
% Run the simulation and watch the spectrum plot as it updates.

% The running estimates of model parameters are also used to compute the
% system pole locations which are then fed into the SVM classifier to
% predict if the system is in the "good" or "fault" state. This decision
% is also displayed on the plot. When the normalized score of prediction is
% less than .3, the decision is considered tentative (close to the boundary
% of distinction). See the script |idARMASpectrumPlot.m| for details on
% how the running estimate of spectrum and classifier prediction is
% computed.

% It is possible to implement the adaptive estimation and plotting
% procedure outside Simulink using the |recursiveARMA()| function. Both the
% "Recursive Polynomial Model Estimator" block as well as the
% |recursiveARMA()| function support code generation for deployment
% purposes.

% The classification scheme can be generalized to the case where there are
% several known modes of failure. For this we will need multi-group
% classifiers where a mode refers to a certain type of failure. These
% aspects are not explored in this example.

%% Conclusions
% This example showed how system identification schemes combined with data
% clustering approaches can assist in detection and isolation of faults.
% Both sequential batch analysis as well as online adaptation schemes were
% discussed. A model of ARMA structure of the measured output signal was
% identified. A similar approach can be adopted in situations where one has
% access to both input and output signals, and would like to employ other
% types of model structures such as the State-space or Box-Jenkins
% polynomial models.
% In this example, we found that:
% # Correlations in residuals based on a model of normal operation can
%   indicate onset of failure.
% # Gradually worsening faults can be detected by employing a continuously
%   adapting model of the system behavior. Preset thresholds on model's
%   characteristics such as bounds on its output spectrum can help
%   visualize the onset and progression of failures.
% # When the source of a fault needs to be isolated, a viable approach is
%   to create separate models of concerned failure modes beforehand. Then a
%   clustering approach can be used to assign the predicted state of the
%   system to one of these modes.