www.gusucode.com > ident_featured 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > ident_featured/ForecastingPredatorPreyPopulationsExample.m

    %% Perform Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
% This example shows how to perform multivariate time series forecasting of 
% data measured from predator and prey populations in a prey crowding 
% scenario. 
% The predator-prey population change dynamics are modeled using linear 
% and nonlinear time series models and the forecasting
% performance of the models is compared. 

%  Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Data Description
% The data is a bivariate time series consisting of 1-predator 1-prey
% populations (in thousands) collected 10 times a year for 20 years.
% For more information about the data, see
% <docid:ident_examples.example-ex14000057>.
% Load the time series data.
load PredPreyCrowdingData
z = iddata(y,[],0.1,'TimeUnit','years','Tstart',0);
% |z| is an |iddata| object containing two output signals called
% |y1| and |y2| which refer to the predator and prey populations, 
% respectively. The |OutputData| property of |z| contains the population
% data as a 201-by-2 matrix, such that |z.OutputData(:,1)| is the predator 
% population and |z.OutputData(:,2)| is the prey population.

% Plot the data.
title('Predator-Prey Population Data')
ylabel('Population (thousands)')
% The data exhibits a decline in predator population due to crowding.
% Use the first half as estimation data for identifying time series models. 
ze = z(1:120);

% Use the remaining data to search for model orders, and to validate the 
% forecasting results.
zv = z(121:end);

%% Estimate a Linear Model
% Model the time series as a linear, autoregressive
% process. Linear models can be created in polynomial form or
% state-space form using commands such as |ar| (for scalar time series only),
% |arx|, |armax|, |n4sid| and |ssest|.
% Identification requires specification of model orders. For polynomial
% models, you can find suitable orders using the |arxstruc| command. Since
% |arxstruc| works only on single-output models, perform the model order 
% search separately for each output.
na_list = (1:10)';
V1 = arxstruc(ze(:,1,:),zv(:,1,:),na_list);
na1 = selstruc(V1,0);
V2 = arxstruc(ze(:,2,:),zv(:,2,:),na_list);
na2 = selstruc(V2,0);

% The |arxstruc| command suggests autoregressive models of orders 7 and 8,
% respectively.
% Use these model orders to estimate a multi-variance ARMA model where the 
% cross terms have been chosen arbitrarily.
na = [na1 na1-1; na2-1 na2];
nc = [na1; na2];
sysARMA = armax(ze,[na nc])
% Compute a 10-step-ahead (1 year) predicted output to validate the model
% over the time span of the estimation data.
yhat1 = predict(sysARMA,ze,10);

% The |predict| command predicts the response over the time span of
% measured data and is a tool for validating the quality
% of an estimated model. The response at time |t| is computed using 
% measured values at times t = 0, ..., t-10.
% Plot the predicted response and the measured data.
title('10-step predicted response compared to measured data')

% Note, the generation of predicted response and plotting it with the measured
% data, can be automated using the |compare| command.

% The plot generated using |compare| also shows the normalized root mean 
% square (NRMSE) measure of goodness of fit in percent form.

% After validating the data, forecast the output of
% the model |sysARMA| 100 steps (10 years) beyond the estimation data, and
% calculate output standard deviations.
[yf1,x01,sysf1,ysd1] = forecast(sysARMA,ze,100);

% |yf1| is the forecasted response, returned as an |iddata| object. 
% |yf1.OutputData| contains the forecasted values.
% |sysf1| is a system similar to |sysARMA| but is in state-space form. 
% Simulation of |sysf1| using the |sim| command, with initial conditions,
% |x01|, reproduces the forecasted response, |yf1|.
% |ysd1| is the matrix of standard deviations.

% Plot the measured, predicted, and forecasted output for model |sysARMA|.
t = yf1.SamplingInstants;
te = ze.SamplingInstants;
t0 = z.SamplingInstants;
   t,yf1.y(:,1)+ysd1(:,1),'k--', ...
   t,yf1.y(:,1)-ysd1(:,1), 'k--')
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Predator population, in thousands');
   t,yf1.y(:,2)+ysd1(:,2),'k--', ...
% Make the figure larger.
fig = gcf;
p = fig.Position;
fig.Position = [p(1),p(2)-p(4)*0.2,p(3)*1.4,p(4)*1.2];
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Prey population, in thousands');
legend({'Measured','Predicted','Forecasted','Forecast Uncertainty (1 sd)'},...
% The plots show that forecasting using a linear ARMA model gave
% poor results with high uncertainty compared to the actual populations
% over the 12-20 years time span. This is seen even though the 10-step 
% prediction over the estimation data time span looked acceptable.
% This indicates that the population change dynamics might be nonlinear.

%% Estimate a Nonlinear Black-Box Model
% Fit a nonlinear black-box model to the estimation
% data. You do not require prior knowledge about the equations
% governing the estimation data. A linear-in-regressor form of Nonlinear
% ARX model will be estimated.
% Create a nonlinear ARX model with 2 outputs and no inputs.
sysNLARX = idnlarx([1 1;1 1],[],'Ts',0.1,'TimeUnit','years');

% |sysNLARX| is a first order nonlinear ARX model that uses no
% nonlinear function; it predicts the model response using a weighted sum
% of its first-order regressors.

% To introduce a nonlinearity function, add polynomial regressors to the 
% model.
% Create regressors up to power 2, and include cross terms (products of 
% standard regressors listed above). Add those regressors to the model as 
% custom regressors.
R = polyreg(sysNLARX,'MaxPower',2,'CrossTerm','on');
sysNLARX.CustomRegressors = R;
% Estimate the coefficients (the regressor weightings and the offset) of
% the model using estimation data, |ze|.
sysNLARX = nlarx(ze,sysNLARX)

% Compute a 10-step-ahead predicted output to validate the model.
yhat2 = predict(sysNLARX,ze,10);

% Forecast the output of the model 100 steps beyond the estimation data.
yf2 = forecast(sysNLARX,ze,100);

% The standard deviations of the forecasted response are not computed for
% nonlinear ARX models. This data is unavailable because the parameter 
% covariance information is not computed during estimation of these models.

% Plot the measured, predicted, and forecasted outputs.
t = yf2.SamplingInstants;
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Predator population (thousands)');
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Prey population (thousands)');

% The plots show that forecasting using a nonlinear ARX model gave
% better forecasting results than using a linear model. Nonlinear black-box
% modeling did not require prior knowledge about the equations governing
% the data.
% Note that to reduce the number of regressors, you can pick an optimal 
% subset of (transformed) variables using principal component analysis
% (see |pca|) or feature selection (see |sequentialfs|) in the 
% Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox(TM).

% If you have prior knowledge of the system dynamics, you can fit the 
% estimation data using a nonlinear grey-box model.

%% Estimate a Nonlinear Grey-Box Model
% Knowledge about the nature of the dynamics can help improve the model
% quality and thus the forecasting accuracy. For the predator-prey
% dynamics, the changes in the predator (|y1|) and prey (|y2|) population
% can be represented as:

% $$\dot{y}_1(t) = p_1*y_1(t) + p_2*y_2(t)*y_1(t)$$
% $$\dot{y}_2(t) = p_3*y_2(t) - p_4*y_1(t)*y_2(t) - p_5*y_2(t)^2$$

% For more information about the equations, see 
% <docid:ident_examples.example-ex14000057>.

% Construct a nonlinear grey-box  model based on these equations.
% Specify a file describing the model structure for the
% predator-prey system. The file specifies the state derivatives and model
% outputs as a function of time, states, inputs, and model parameters. The
% two outputs (predator and prey populations) are chosen as states to
% derive a nonlinear state-space description of the dynamics. 
FileName = 'predprey2_m';

% Specify the model orders (number of outputs, inputs, and states)
Order = [2 0 2];

% Specify the initial values for the parameters $p_1$, $p_2$, $p_3$,
% $p_4$, and $p_5$, and indicate that all parameters are to be estimated.
% Note that the requirement to specify initial guesses for parameters did
% not exist when estimating the black box models |sysARMA| and
% |sysNLARX|.
Parameters = struct('Name',{'Survival factor, predators' 'Death factor, predators' ...
   'Survival factor, preys' 'Death factor, preys' ...
   'Crowding factor, preys'}, ...
   'Unit',{'1/year' '1/year' '1/year' '1/year' '1/year'}, ...
   'Value',{-1.1 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.2}, ...
   'Minimum',{-Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf}, ...
   'Maximum',{Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf}, ...
   'Fixed',{false false false false false});
% Similarly, specify the initial states of the model, and indicate that
% both initial states are to be estimated.
InitialStates = struct('Name',{'Predator population' 'Prey population'}, ...
   'Unit',{'Size (thousands)' 'Size (thousands)'}, ...
   'Value',{1.8 1.8}, ...
   'Minimum', {0 0}, ...
   'Maximum',{Inf Inf}, ...
   'Fixed',{false false});
% Specify the model as a continuous-time system.
Ts = 0;

% Create a nonlinear grey-box model with specified structure,
% parameters, and states.
sysGrey = idnlgrey(FileName,Order,Parameters,InitialStates,Ts,'TimeUnit','years');

% Estimate the model parameters.
sysGrey = nlgreyest(ze,sysGrey);

% Compute a 10-step-ahead predicted output to validate the model.
yhat3 = predict(sysGrey,ze,10);

% Forecast the output of the model 100 steps beyond the estimation data,
% and calculate output standard deviations.
[yf3,x03,sysf3,ysd3] = forecast(sysGrey,ze,100);

% Plot the measured, predicted, and forecasted outputs.
t = yf3.SamplingInstants;
   t,yf3.y(:,1)+3*ysd3(:,1),'k--', ...
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Predator population (thousands)');
   t,yf3.y(:,2)+3*ysd3(:,2),'k--', ...

legend('Measured','Predicted','Forecasted','Forecast uncertainty (3 sd)')
xlabel('Time (years)');
ylabel('Prey population (thousands)');

% The plots show that forecasting using a nonlinear grey-box model gave
% good forecasting results and low forecasting output uncertainty.

%% Compare Forecasting Performance
% Compare the forecasted response obtained from the identified
% models, |sysARMA|, |sysNLARX|, and |sysGrey|. The first two are
% discrete-time models and |sysGrey| is a continuous-time model.
legend({'Measured','Linear ARMA','Nonlinear AR','Nonlinear Grey-Box'})
title('Forecasted Responses')
% Forecasting with a nonlinear ARX model gave better results than 
% forecasting with a linear model.
% Inclusion of the knowledge of the dynamics in the nonlinear
% grey-box model further improved the reliability of the model and
% therefore the forecasting accuracy.
% Note that the equations used in grey-box modeling are closely related to
% the polynomial regressors used by the Nonlinear ARX model. If you
% approximate the derivatives in the governing equations by first-order
% differences, you will get equations similar to:

% $$y_1(t) = s_1*y_1(t-1) + s_2*y_1(t-1)*y_2(t-1)$$
% $$y_2(t) = s_3*y_2(t-1) - s_4*y_1(t-1)*y_2(t-1) - s_5*y_2(t-1)^2$$

% Where, $s_1, ..., s_5$ are some parameters related to the original
% parameters $p_1, ..., p_5$ and to the sample time used for differencing.
% These equations suggest that only 2 regressors are needed for the first
% output (y1(t-1) and *y1(t-1)*y2(t-1)) and 3 for the second output
% when constructing the Nonlinear ARX model. Even in absence of such prior
% knowledge, linear-in-regressor model structures employing polynomial
% regressors remain a popular choice in practice.
% Forecast the values using the nonlinear grey-box model over 200 years.
[yf4,~,~,ysd4] = forecast(sysGrey,ze,2000);
% Plot the latter part of the data.
t = yf4.SamplingInstants;
N = 700:2000;
   t(N),yf4.y(N,1)+3*ysd4(N,1),'k--', ...
xlabel('Time (year)');
ylabel('Predator population (thousands)');
ax = gca;
ax.YLim = [0.8 1];
ax.XLim = [82 212];
   t(N),yf4.y(N,2)+3*ysd4(N,2),'k--', ...
legend('Forecasted population','Forecast uncertainty (3 sd)')
xlabel('Time (years)');
ylabel('Prey population (thousands)');
ax = gca;
ax.YLim = [0.9 1.1];
ax.XLim = [82 212];

% The plot show that the predatory population is forecasted to reach a
% steady-state of approximately 890 and the prey population is forecasted 
% to reach 990.