www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/CalculateDirGradientsAndMagnitudeAndDirectionExample.m

    %% Calculate Directional Gradients and Then Magnitude and Direction 
% Read image into workspace.
I = imread('coins.png');
% Calculate x and y directional gradients and then gradient magnitude and
% direction.
[Gx, Gy] = imgradientxy(I);
[Gmag, Gdir] = imgradient(Gx, Gy);
figure; imshowpair(Gmag, Gdir, 'montage'); axis off;
title('Gradient Magnitude, Gmag (left), and Gradient Direction, Gdir (right), using Sobel method')
figure; imshowpair(Gx, Gy, 'montage'); axis off;
title('Directional Gradients, Gx and Gy, using Sobel method')