www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/ClearAxesBeforePlottingCirclesExample.m

    %% Clear Axes Before Plotting Circles
% The |viscircles| function does not clear the target axes before plotting
% circles. To remove circles that have been previously plotted in an axes,
% use the |cla| function. To illustrate, this example creates a new figure
% and then loops, drawing a set of circles with each iteration, clearing
% the axes each time.
colors = {'b','r','g','y','k'}; 
for k = 1:5
    % Create 5 random circles to display,
    X = rand(5,1);
    Y = rand(5,1);
    centers = [X Y];
    radii = 0.1*rand(5,1);
    % Clear the axes.
    % Fix the axis limits.
    xlim([-0.1 1.1])
    ylim([-0.1 1.1])
    % Set the axis aspect ratio to 1:1.
    axis square
    % Set a title.
    title(['k = ' num2str(k)])
    % Display the circles.
    % Pause for 1 second.