www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/CreateGeometricTransformationForImageAlignmentExample.m

    %% Create Geometric Transformation for Image Alignment
% This example shows how to create a geometric transformation that can be
% used to align two images.
% Create a checkerboard image and rotate it to create a misaligned image.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

I = checkerboard;
J = imrotate(I,30);
% Define some control points on the fixed image (the checkerboard) and
% moving image (the rotated checkerboard). You can define points
% interactively using the Control Point Selection tool.
fixedPoints  = [11 11; 41 71];
movingPoints = [14 44; 70 81];
% Create a geometric transformation that can be used to align the two
% images, returned as an |affine2d| geometric transformation object.
tform = fitgeotrans(movingPoints,fixedPoints,'NonreflectiveSimilarity')
% Use the |tform| estimate to resample the rotated image to register it
% with the fixed image. The regions of color (green and magenta) in the
% false color overlay image indicate error in the registration due to lack
% of precise correspondence in the control points.
Jregistered = imwarp(J,tform,'OutputView',imref2d(size(I)));
falsecolorOverlay = imfuse(I,Jregistered);
% Recover angle and scale of the transformation by checking how a unit 
% vector parallel to the x-axis is rotated and stretched.
u = [0 1]; 
v = [0 0]; 
[x, y] = transformPointsForward(tform, u, v); 
dx = x(2) - x(1); 
dy = y(2) - y(1); 
angle = (180/pi) * atan2(dy, dx) 
scale = 1 / sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)