www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/ImageSharpeningHDLExample.m

    %% Generate HDL Code for Image Sharpening
% This example shows how to use Vision HDL Toolbox(TM) to implement an 
% FPGA-based module for image sharpening.
% Vision HDL Toolbox provides image and video processing algorithms 
% designed to generate readable, synthesizable code in VHDL and Verilog 
% (with HDL Coder(TM)). The generated HDL code when run on an FPGA (for
% example, Xilinx XC7Z045) can process 1920x1080 full-resolution images
% at 60 frames per second.
% This example shows how to use Vision HDL Toolbox to generate HDL code 
% that sharpens a blurred image. Since Vision HDL Toolbox algorithms are 
% available as MATLAB(R) System objects(TM) and Simulink(R) blocks, HDL 
% code can be generated from MATLAB or Simulink. This example shows both 
% workflows. 
% The workflow for an FPGA-targeted design is:
% 1. Create a behavioral model to represent design goals;
% 2. Replicate the design using algorithms, interfaces, and data types
% appropriate for FPGAs and supported for HDL code generation.
% 3. Simulate the two designs and compare the results to confirm that the
% HDL-optimized design meets the goals.
% 4. Generate HDL code from the design created in Step 2.
% For Steps 2 and 3 in MATLAB, you must have MATLAB, 
% Vision HDL Toolbox, and Fixed-Point Designer(TM). In Simulink, you need 
% Simulink, Vision HDL Toolbox, and Fixed-Point Designer. In both cases, 
% you must have HDL Coder to generate HDL code.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Behavioral Model
% The input image imgBlur is shown on the left in the diagram below. On
% the right, the image is sharpened using the Image Processing Toolbox(TM)
% function |imfilter|. 
% Simulation time is printed as a bench mark for future comparison.

imgBlur = imread('riceblurred.png');
sharpCoeff = [0 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 0]-fspecial('laplacian',0.2);

f = @() imfilter(imgBlur,sharpCoeff,'symmetric');
fprintf('Elapsed time is %.6f seconds.\n',timeit(f));

imgSharp = imfilter(imgBlur,sharpCoeff,'symmetric');
title('Blurred Image and Sharpened Image')

%% HDL-Optimized Design Considerations
% Three key changes need to be made to enable HDL code generation.
% * *Use HDL-friendly algorithms:* The functions in Image Processing 
% Toolbox do not support HDL Code generation. Vision HDL Toolbox provides 
% image and video processing algorithms designed for efficient HDL 
% implementations. You can generate HDL code from these algorithms using
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'visionhdl','systemobjectslist.html')) System objects in MATLAB>
% and <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'visionhdl','blocklist.html')) blocks in Simulink>.
% Both workflows are provided in this example. To design an FPGA-based 
% module, replace the functions from Image Processing Toolbox with their 
% HDL-friendly counterparts from Vision HDL Toolbox. This example replaces 
% |imfilter| in the behavioral model with the |visionhdl.ImageFilter| 
% System object in MATLAB, or the |Image Filter| block in Simulink.
% * *Use streaming pixel interface:* The functions from Image Processing 
% Toolbox model at a high level of abstraction. They perform full-frame 
% processing, operating on one image frame at a time. FPGA and ASIC 
% implementations, however, perform pixel-stream processing, operating on 
% one image pixel at a time. Vision HDL Toolbox blocks and System objects 
% use a streaming pixel interface. Use |visionhdl.FrameToPixels| System 
% object in MATLAB or |Frame To Pixels| block in Simulink to convert a full 
% frame image or video to a pixel stream. The streaming pixel interface 
% includes control signals that indicate each pixel's position in the frame. 
% Algorithms that operate on a pixel neighborhood use internal memory to 
% store a minimum number of lines. Vision HDL Toolbox provides the 
% streaming pixel interface and automatic memory implementation to address 
% common design issues when targeting FPGAs and ASICs. For more information 
% on the streaming pixel protocol used by System objects from the Vision 
% HDL Toolbox, see 
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'visionhdl','ug','streaming-pixel-interface.html')) streaming pixel interface>.
% * *Use fixed-point data representation:* Functions from Image Processing 
% Toolbox perform video processing algorithms in the floating-point or integer domain. 
% The System objects and blocks from Vision HDL Toolbox require fixed-point 
% data to generate HDL code to target FPGAs and ASICs. 
% Converting a design to fixed-point can introduce quantization error. 
% Therefore, the HDL-friendly model might generate an output slightly 
% different from that obtained from the behavioral model. For most 
% applications, small quantization errors within a tolerance are acceptable. 
% You can tune the fixed-point settings to suit your requirements. 
% In this example, we use a static image as the source. 
% This model is also able to process continuous video input.

%% Generate HDL Code from MATLAB
% To generate HDL from MATLAB, your code needs to be divided into two files: 
% test bench and design. The design file is used for implementing the 
% algorithm in the FPGA or ASIC. The test bench file provides the input data 
% to the design file and receives the design output.
% Step 1: Create Design File
% The function 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdemos','ImageSharpeningHDLDesign.m')) ImageSharpeningHDLDesign> 
% accepts a pixel stream and a control structure consisting of five control 
% signals, and returns a modified pixel stream and control structure. 
% In this example, the design contains a System object |visionhdl.ImageFilter|. 
% It is the HDL-friendly counterpart of the |imfilter| function. Configure 
% it with the same coefficients and padding method as |imfilter|.
%       function [pixOut,ctrlOut] = ImageSharpeningHDLDesign(pixIn,ctrlIn)
%       persistent sharpeningFilter;
%       if isempty(sharpeningFilter)  
%           sharpCoeff = [0 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 0]-fspecial('laplacian',0.2);
%           sharpeningFilter = visionhdl.ImageFilter(...
%               'Coefficients',sharpCoeff,...
%               'PaddingMethod','Symmetric',...
%               'CoefficientsDataType','Custom',...
%               'CustomCoefficientsDataType',numerictype(1,16,12));              
%       end
%       [pixOut,ctrlOut] = step(sharpeningFilter,pixIn,ctrlIn);
% Step 2: Create Test Bench File
% The test bench 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdemos','ImageSharpeningHDLTestBench.m')) ImageSharpeningHDLTestBench> 
% reads in the blurred image. The frm2pix object converts the full image 
% frame to a stream of pixels and control structures. The design function 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdemos','ImageSharpeningHDLDesign.m')) ImageSharpeningHDLDesign>
% is then called to process one pixel at a time. After the entire 
% pixel-stream is processed, pix2frm converts the output pixel stream to a 
% full-frame image. The test bench compares the output image to the 
% reference output imgSharp.
%       ... 
%       [pixInVec,ctrlInVec] = step(frm2pix,imgBlur);    
%       for p = 1:numPixPerFrm
%           [pixOutVec(p),ctrlOutVec(p)] = ...
%               ImageSharpeningHDLDesign(pixInVec(p),ctrlInVec(p));                                  
%       end
%       imgOut = step(pix2frm,pixOutVec,ctrlOutVec);
%       % Compare the result
%       imgDiff = imabsdiff(imgSharp,imgOut);
%       fprintf('The maximum difference between corresponding pixels is %d.\n',max(imgDiff(:)));
%       fprintf('A total of %d pixels are different.\n',nnz(imgDiff));
%       ...
% Step 3: Simulate Design and Verify Result
% Simulate the design with the test bench prior to HDL code generation to 
% make sure there are no runtime errors.


% The test bench displays the comparison result and the time spent on 
% simulation. Due to quantization error and rounding error, out of a total 
% of 256*256=65536 pixels, 38554 of imgOut are different from imgSharp. 
% However, the maximum difference in intensity is 1. On a 0 to 255 scale, 
% this difference is visually unnoticeable. 
% As we can see by comparing the simulation time in MATLAB with that of the 
% behavioral model, the pixel-streaming protocol introduces significant 
% overhead. You can use MATLAB Coder(TM) to speed up the pixel-streaming 
% simulation in MATLAB. See 
% <matlab:showdemo('DesignAccelerationHDLExample') Accelerate a Pixel-Streaming Design Using MATLAB Coder>.
% Step 4: Generate HDL Code
% Once you are satisfied with the results of the FPGA-targeted model, you 
% can use HDL Coder to generate HDL code from the design. You can run the 
% generated HDL code in HDL simulators or load it into an FPGA and run it 
% in a physical system.
% Make sure that the design and test bench files are located in the same writable 
% directory. To generate the HDL code, use the following command:
%   hdlcfg = coder.config('hdl');
%   hdlcfg.TestBenchName = 'ImageSharpeningHDLTestBench';
%   hdlcfg.TargetLanguage = 'Verilog';
%   hdlcfg.GenerateHDLTestBench = false;
%   codegen -config hdlcfg ImageSharpeningHDLDesign
% Refer to
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'hdlcoder','examples','getting-started-with-matlab-to-hdl-workflow.html')) Getting Started with MATLAB to HDL Workflow>
% for a tutorial on creating and configuring MATLAB to HDL projects. 

%% Generate HDL Code from Simulink
% Step 1: Create HDL-Optimized Model
% The <matlab:ImageSharpeningHDLModel ImageSharpeningHDLModel.slx> model is 
% shown below.
modelname = 'ImageSharpeningHDLModel';
% The model reads in the blurred image. The Frame To Pixels block converts 
% a full-frame image to a pixel stream, and the Pixels To Frame block 
% converts the pixel stream back to a full-frame image. The Image 
% Sharpening HDL System contains an |Image Filter| block, which is the 
% HDL-friendly counterpart in Vision HDL Toolbox of the |imfilter| function 
% presented in the behavioral model.

set_param([modelname '/Image Sharpening HDL System'],'Open','on');

% Configure the Image Filter block with the same sharpening coefficients 
% and padding method as in the behavioral model, as shown on the masks 
% below.

% <<../vhtImageFilterMask.png>>

% Step 2: Simulate Design and Verify Result


% Simulink takes advantage of C code generation to speed up the simulation. 
% Therefore, it is much faster than MATLAB simulation, although still 
% slower than the behavioral model.
% The simulation creates a new variable called imgOut in the workspace. Use 
% the following commands to compare imgOut with imSharp generated from the 
% behavioral model.

imgDiff = imabsdiff(imgSharp,imgOut);
fprintf('The maximum difference between corresponding pixels is %d.\n',max(imgDiff(:)));
fprintf('A total of %d pixels are different.\n',nnz(imgDiff));

% Due to quantization error and rounding error, 
% out of a total of 256*256=65536 pixels, 38554 of imgOut are different 
% from imgSharp. However, the maximum difference in intensity is 1. On a 0 
% to 255 scale, this difference is visually unnoticeable. (This is the same
% explanation as that presented in Step 3 in the "Generate HDL Code from 
% MATLAB" Section.)
% Step 3: Generate HDL Code
% Once you are satisfied with the results of the FPGA-targeted model, you 
% can use HDL Coder to generate HDL code from the design. You can run the 
% generated HDL code in HDL simulators or load it into an FPGA and run it 
% in a physical system.
% Generate HDL code from the Image Sharpening HDL System using the 
% following command:
%   makehdl('ImageSharpeningHDLModel/Image Sharpening HDL System')

set_param([modelname '/Image Sharpening HDL System'],'Open','off');
close all;