www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/PerformFFTBasedCorrelationToLocateImageFeaturesExample.m

    %% Perform FFT-Based Correlation to Locate Image Features
% This example shows how to use the Fourier transform to perform
% correlation, which is closely related to convolution. Correlation can be
% used to locate features within an image. In this context, correlation is
% often called _template matching_.
% Read a sample image into the workspace.
bw = imread('text.png');
% Create a template for matching by extracting the letter "a" from the
% image. Note that you can also create the template by using the
% interactive syntax of the |imcrop| function.
a = bw(32:45,88:98);
% Compute the correlation of the template image with the original image by
% rotating the template image by 180 degrees and then using the FFT-based
% convolution technique. (Convolution is equivalent to correlation if you
% rotate the convolution kernel by 180 degrees.) To match the template to
% the image, use the |fft2| and |ifft2| functions. In the resulting image,
% bright peaks correspond to occurrences of the letter.
C = real(ifft2(fft2(bw) .* fft2(rot90(a,2),256,256)));
imshow(C,[]) % Scale image to appropriate display range.
% To view the locations of the template in the image, find the maximum
% pixel value and then define a threshold value that is less than this
% maximum. The thresholded image shows the locations of these peaks as
% white spots in the thresholded correlation image. (To make the locations
% easier to see in this figure, the example dilates the thresholded image
% to enlarge the size of the points.)
thresh = 60; % Use a threshold that's a little less than max.
D = C > thresh;
se = strel('disk',5);
E = imdilate(D,se);
imshow(E) % Display pixels with values over the threshold.