www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/SegmentThermographicImageAfterEdgePreservingFilteringExample.m

    %% Segment Thermographic Image after Edge-Preserving Filtering
% This example shows how to work with thermal images, demonstrating a
% simple segmentation. Thermal images are obtained from thermographic
% cameras, which detect radiation in the infrared range of the
% electromagnetic spectrum. Thermographic images capture infrared radiation
% emitted by all objects above absolute zero.
% Read a thermal image into the workspace and use |whos| to understand more
% about the image data. 

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

I = imread('hotcoffee.tif');

whos I
% Compute the dynamic range occupied by the data to see the range of
% temperatures occupied by the image. The pixel values in this image
% correspond to actual temperatures on the Celsius scale. 
range = [min(I(:)) max(I(:))]
% Display the thermal image. Because the thermal image is a
% single-precision image with a dynamic range outside 0 to 1, you must use
% the |imshow| auto-scaling capability to display the image.
title('Original image')
% Apply edge-preserving smoothing to the image to remove noise while still
% retaining image details. This is a preprocessing step before
% segmentation. Use the |imguidedfilter| function to perform smoothing
% under self-guidance. The |'DegreeOfSmoothing'| parameter controls the
% amount of smoothing and is dependent on the range of the image. Adjust
% the |'DegreeOfSmoothing'| to accommodate the range of the thermographic
% image. Display the filtered image.
smoothValue = 0.01*diff(range).^2;
J = imguidedfilter(I,'DegreeOfSmoothing',smoothValue);

title('Guided filtered image')
% Determine threshold values to use in segmentation. The image has 3
% distinct regions - the person, the hot object and the background - that
% appear well separated in intensity (temperature). Use |multithresh| to
% compute a 2-level threshold for the image. This partitions the image into
% 3 regions using Otsu's method.
thresh = multithresh(J,2)
% Threshold the image using the values returned by |multithresh|. The
% threshold values are at 27 and 48 Celsius. The first threshold separates
% the background intensity from the person and the second threshold
% separates the person from the hot object. Segment the image and fill
% holes.
L = imquantize(J,thresh);
L = imfill(L);

title('Label matrix from 3-level Otsu')
% Draw a bounding box around the foreground regions in the image and put
% the mean temperature value of the region in the box. The example assumes
% that the largest region is the background. Use the |regionprops| function
% to get information about the regions in the segmented image.
props = regionprops(L,I,{'Area','BoundingBox','MeanIntensity','Centroid'});

% Find the index of the background region.
[~,idx] = max([props.Area]);

title('Segmented regions with mean temperature')
for n = 1:numel(props)
    % If the region is not background
    if n ~= idx
        % Draw bounding box around region
       % Draw text displaying mean temperature in Celsius
       T = [num2str(props(n).MeanIntensity,3) ' \circ C'];