www.gusucode.com > images 案例代码 matlab源码程序 > images/UseSpatialReferencingToEnhanceDisplayExample.m

    %% Register Two Images Using Spatial Referencing to Enhance Display
% This example shows how to use spatial referencing objects to understand
% the spatial relationship between two images in image registration and
% display them effectively. This example brings one of the images, called
% the |moving| image, into alignment with the other image, called the
% |fixed| image.
% Read the two images of the same scene that are slightly misaligned.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

fixed = imread('westconcordorthophoto.png');
moving = imread('westconcordaerial.png');
% Display the moving (unregistered) image.
text(size(moving,2),size(moving,1)+30, ...
    'Image courtesy of mPower3/Emerge', ...
% Load a MAT-file that contains preselected control points for the |fixed|
% and |moving| images and create a geometric transformation fit to the
% control points, using |fitgeotrans| .
load westconcordpoints
tform = fitgeotrans(movingPoints, fixedPoints, 'projective');
% Perform the transformation necessary to register the |moving| image with
% the |fixed| image, using |imwarp| . This example uses the optional
% |'FillValues'| parameter to specify a fill value (white), which will help
% when displaying the |fixed| image over the transformed |moving| image, to
% check registration. Notice that the full content of the geometrically
% transformed |moving| image is present, now called |registered| . Also
% note that there are no blank rows or columns.
registered = imwarp(moving, tform,'FillValues', 255);
figure, imshow(registered);
% Overlay the transformed image, |registered| , over the |fixed| image,
% using |imshowpair| . Notice how the two images appear misregistered. This
% happens because |imshowpair| assumes that the images are both in the
% default intrinsic coordinate system. The next steps provide two ways to
% remedy this display problem.
figure, imshowpair(fixed,registered,'blend');
% Constrain the transformed image, |registered| , to the same number of
% rows and columns, and the same spatial limits as the |fixed| image.  This
% ensures that the registered image appears registered with the fixed image
% but areas of the registered image that would extrapolate beyond the
% extent of the fixed image are discarded. To do this, create a default
% spatial referencing object that specifies the size and location of the
% |fixed| image, and use |imwarp's| |'OutputView'| parameter to create a
% constrained resampled image |registered1|. Display the registered image
% over the fixed image. In this view, the images appear to have been
% registered, but not all of the unregistered image is visible. 
Rfixed = imref2d(size(fixed));
registered1 = imwarp(moving,tform,'FillValues', 255,'OutputView',Rfixed);
figure, imshowpair(fixed,registered1,'blend');
% As an alternative, use the optional |imwarp| syntax that returns the
% output spatial referencing object that indicates the position of the full
% transformed image in the same default intrinsic coordinate system as the
% |fixed| image. Display the registered image over the fixed image and note
% that now the full |registered| image is visible.
[registered2, Rregistered] = imwarp(moving, tform,'FillValues', 255);
figure, imshowpair(fixed,Rfixed,registered2,Rregistered,'blend');
% Clean up.