www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ComputeElevationProfileAlongStraightLineExample.m

    %% Compute Elevation Profile Along Straight Line
% This example shows how to compute an elevation profile along a straight
% line using the |mapprofile| function. Calculating data values along a
% path is a common application when working with gridded geodata. For
% example, you might want to calculate the terrain height along a transect,
% a road, or a flight path. The <docid:map_ref.f14-631343> function
% does this, based on numerical data defining a set of waypoints, or by
% defining them interactively via graphic input from a map display. Values
% computed for the resulting profile can be displayed in a new plot or
% returned as output arguments for further analysis or display.
% Load the Korean elevation data MAT-file.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load korea
% Get the latitude and longitude limits using |limitm| and use them to set
% up a map frame via |worldmap|. |worldmap| plots only the map frame.
[latlim, lonlim] = limitm(map, maplegend);
worldmap(latlim, lonlim)
% Render the map and apply a digital elevation model (DEM) colormap to it.
% Define endpoints for a straight-line transect through the region.
plat = [40.5 30.7];
plon = [121.5 133.5];
% Compute the elevation profile, using the |mapprofile| function with the
% default track type, |great circle|, and the default interpolation type,
% |bilinear|.
[z,rng,lat,lon] = mapprofile(map,maplegend,plat,plon);
% Draw the transect in 3-D so it follows the terrain.
% Construct a plot of transect elevation and range.