www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ConvertFromSphericalDistanceToLinearDistanceExample.m

    %% Convert from Linear Measurements to Spherical Measurements
% This example shows how to convert distances along the surface of the
% Earth (or another planet) from units of kilometers (km), nautical miles
% (nm), or statute miles (sm) to spherical distances in degrees or
% radians.
% Convert a degree of arc length at the Earth's equator to nautical miles.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

nauticalmiles = deg2nm(1)
% Specify the radius to use in the conversion calculation. The default
% value assumes the Earth's radius. 
nauticalmiles = deg2nm(1,almanac('moon','radius'))
% Return the distance in statute miles rather than nautical miles.