www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/DisplayVectorMapsAsLinesOrPatchesExample.m

    %% Display Vector Maps as Lines or Patches
% This example shows how to display vector maps as lines or patches
% (filled-in polygons). Mapping Toolbox functions let you display patch
% vector data that uses NaNs to separate closed regions.
% Use the |who| command to examine the contents of the |conus|
% (conterminous U.S.) MAT-file and then load it into the workspace. Vector
% map data for lines or polygons can be represented by simple coordinate
% arrays, geostructs, or mapstructs. The variables |uslat| and |uslon|
% together describe three polygons (separated by NaNs) the largest of which
% represent the outline of the conterminous United States. The two smaller
% polygons represent Long Island, NY, and Martha's vineyard, an island off
% Massachusetts. The variables |gtlakelat| and |gtlakelon| describe three
% polygons (separated by NaNs) for the Great Lakes. The variables
% |statelat| and |statelon| contain line-segment data (separated by NaNs)
% for the borders between states, which is not formatted for patch display.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

who -file conus.mat
load conus
% Verify that line and polygon data contains NaNs (hence multiple objects).
% Read the |worldrivers| shapefile for the region that covers the
% conterminous United States.
uslatlim = [min(uslat) max(uslat)]
uslonlim = [min(uslon) max(uslon)]
rivers = shaperead('worldrivers', 'UseGeoCoords', true, ...
    'BoundingBox', [uslonlim', uslatlim'])
% Note that the |Geometry| field specifies whether the data is stored as a
% |Point| , |MultiPoint| , |Line| , or |Polygon| . 
% Set up a map axes to display the state coordinates. As conic projections
% are appropriate for mapping the entire United States, create a map axes
% object using an Albers equal-area conic projection ( |'eqaconic'| ).
% Specifying map limits that contain the region of interest automatically
% centers the projection on an appropriate longitude. The frame encloses
% just the mapping area, not the entire globe. As a general rule, you
% should specify map limits that extend slightly outside your area of
% interest ( |worldmap| and |usamap| do this for you). Conic projections
% need two standard parallels (latitudes at which scale distortion is
% zero). A good rule is to set the standard parallels at one-sixth of the
% way from both latitude extremes. Or, to use default latitudes for the
% standard parallels, simply provide an empty matrix in the call to
% |axesm| .
axesm('MapProjection', 'eqaconic', 'MapParallels', [], ...
      'MapLatLimit', uslatlim + [-2 2], ...
      'MapLonLimit', uslonlim + [-2 2])
% Turn on the map frame, map grid, and the meridian and parallel labels.
axis off; 
% Plot a patch to display the area occupied by the conterminous United
% States. Use the |geoshow| function with |DisplayType| set to |'polygon'|
% . Note that the order in which add layers to a map can affect visibility
% because some layers can hide other layers.  For example, because some
% U.S. state boundaries follow major rivers, display the rivers last to
% avoid obscuring them.
geoshow(uslat,uslon, 'DisplayType','polygon','FaceColor',...
    [1 .5 .3], 'EdgeColor','none')
% Plot the Great Lakes on top of the land area, using |geoshow| .
geoshow(gtlakelat,gtlakelon, 'DisplayType','polygon',...
    'FaceColor','cyan', 'EdgeColor','none')
% Plot the line segment data showing state boundaries, using |geoshow| with
% |DisplayType| set to |'line'| .
% Use |geoshow| to plot the river network. Note that you can omit
% |DisplayType|
geoshow(rivers, 'Color', 'blue')