www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ExploringProjectionAspectExample.m

    %% Control the Map Projection Aspect with an Orientation Vector
% The best way to gain an understanding of projection aspect is to
% experiment with orientation vectors. The following example uses a
% pseudocylindrical projection, the sinusoidal. 
% Create a default map axes in a sinusoidal projection, turn on the
% graticule, and display the coast data set as filled
% polygons. The continents and graticule appear in _normal_ aspect.
axesm sinusoid
framem on; gridm on; tightmap tight
load coastlines
patchm(coastlat, coastlon,'g')
title('Normal aspect: orientation vector = [0 0 0]')
% Inspect the orientation vector from the map axes. By default, the origin
% is set at (0°E, 0°N), oriented 0° from vertical.
% In the normal aspect, the North Pole is at the top of the image. To
% create a _transverse_ aspect, imagine pulling the North Pole down to the
% center of the display, which was originally occupied by the point
% (0°,0°). Do this by setting the first element of |Origin|
% parameter to a latitude of 90°N. The shape of the frame is
% unaffected--this is still a sinusoidal projection.
setm(gca,'Origin',[90 0 0])
title('Transverse aspect: orientation vector = [90 0 0]')
% The normal and transverse aspects can be thought of as limiting
% conditions. Anything else is an _oblique_ aspect. Conceptually, if you
% push the North Pole halfway back to its original position, that is, to
% the position originally occupied by the point (45°N, 0°E) in the
% normal aspect, the result is a simple oblique aspect. You can think of
% this as pulling the new origin (45°N, 0°) to the center of the
% image, the place that (0°,0°) occupied in the normal aspect.
setm(gca,'Origin',[45 0 0])
title('Oblique aspect: orientation vector = [45 0 0]')
% The previous examples of projection aspect kept the aspect orientation at
% 0°. If you alter the orientation, an oblique aspect becomes a
% _skew-oblique_ orientation. Imagine the previous example with an
% orientation of 45°. Think of this as pulling the new origin
% (45°N,0°E), down to the center of the projection and then
% rotating the projection until the North Pole lies at an angle of 45°
% clockwise from straight up with respect to the new origin. As in the
% previous example, the location (45°N,0°E) still occupies the
% center of the map.
setm(gca,'Origin',[45 0 45])
title('Skew-Oblique aspect: orientation vector = [45 0 45]')
% The base projection can be thought of as a standard coordinate system,
% and the normal aspect conforms to it. The features of a projection are
% maintained in any aspect, _relative to the base projection_. As the
% preceding illustrations show, the outline (frame)
% does not change. Nondirectional projection characteristics also do not
% change. For example, the sinusoidal projection is equal-area, no matter
% what its aspect. Directional characteristics must be considered
% carefully, however. In the normal aspect of the sinusoidal projection,
% scale is true along every parallel and the central meridian. This is not
% the case for the skew-oblique aspect; however, scale is true along the
% paths of the transformed parallels and meridian.
% Any projection can be viewed in alternate aspects and this can often be
% quite useful. For example, the transverse aspect of the Mercator
% projection is widely used in cartography, especially for mapping regions
% with predominantly north-south extent. One candidate for such handling
% might be Chile. Oblique Mercator projections might be used to map long
% regions that run neither north and south nor east and west, such as New
% Zealand.