www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ModifyGeopointObjectAndItsMetadataExample.m

    %% Modify geopoint Object and Its Metadata
% If you typically store latitude and longitude coordinates in an _N_-by-2
% or 2-by- _M_ array, you can assign these numeric values to a geopoint
% vector. If the coordinates are _N_-by-2, the first column is assigned to
% the |Latitude| property and the second column to the |Longitude|
% property. If the coordinates are 2-by- _M_ , then the first row is
% assigned to the |Latitude| property and the second row to the |Longitude|
% property.
load coastlines;
ltln = [coastlat coastlon];		% 9865x2 array
pts = geopoint;		        	% null constructor
pts(1:numel(coastlat)) = ltln;	% assign array
pts.Metadata.Name = 'coastline';