www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/PrecomputeTheSizeOfADataGridExample.m

    %% Precompute the Size of a Data Grid
% Before making a large, memory-taxing data grid, you should first
% determine what its size will be. If you know the latitude and longitude
% limits of a region, you can calculate the size of the raster
% by creating a referencing object, for any desired map resolution
% and scale.
% Specify the latitude and longitude limits for the region. This example
% calculates the size of a map of the continental U.S. at a scale of 10
% cells per degree.
latlim = [  25  50];
lonlim = [-130 -60];
% Specify the extent of the data grid using cells per degree.
cellsPerDegree = 10;
extent = 1/cellsPerDegree;
% Construct a referencing object and verify that the size of the raster is
% reasonable (in this case, 250 by 700 cells).
R = georefcells(latlim,lonlim,extent,extent);