www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ProjectCoordinatesWithoutMapAxesExample.m

    %% Project Coordinates Without Map Axes
% This example shows how to perform the same projection computations that
% are done within Mapping Toolbox display commands by calling the
% |defaultm| and |mfwdtran| functions. 
% Create an empty map projection structure for a Sinusoidal projection,
% using the |defaultm| function. The function returns an |mstruct| .

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

mstruct = defaultm('sinusoid');
% Set the map limits for the |mstruct| . To populate the fields of the map
% projection structure and ensure the effects of property settings are
% properly implemented, call |defaultm| a second time. Note that the
% longitude of the origin is centered between the longitude limits.
mstruct.maplonlimit = [-150 -30];
mstruct.geoid = referenceEllipsoid('grs80','kilometers');
mstruct = defaultm(mstruct);
% Trim the coast to the map limits.
load coast
[latt,lont] = maptriml(lat,long, ...
% Project the latitude and longitude vectors into plane coordinates with
% the Sinusoidal projection and display the result using standard MATLAB
% graphics commands. The resulting plot shows that data are projected in
% the specified aspect.
[x,y] = mfwdtran(mstruct,latt,lont);
axis equal