www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ProjectedCoordinateSystemMapDisplayExample.m

    %% Creating Map Displays with Data in Projected Coordinate Reference System
% This example illustrates how to import and display geographic data that
% contain coordinates  in a projected coordinate reference system. 
% In particular, this example illustrates how to
% * Import specific raster and vector data sets
% * Create map displays for visualizing the data
% * Display multiple data sets in a map display
% * Display multiple data sets with coordinates in geographic and projected  
%   coordinate reference systems in a single map display

% Copyright 2013-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Example 1: Import Raster Data in Projected Coordinate Reference System
% Geographic raster data that contains coordinates in a projected
% coordinate reference system can be stored in a variety of different
% formats, including standard file formats such as GeoTIFF, Spatial Data
% Transfer Standard (SDTS), NetCDF, HDF4, or HDF5. This example illustrates
% importing data from a GeoTIFF file. The data in the file contains
% coordinates in the projected map coordinate reference system
% _Massachusetts State Plane Mainland Zone coordinate system_.

% The coordinates of the image in the GeoTIFF file, |boston.tif|, are in a
% projected coordinate reference system. You can determine that by using
% the |geotiffinfo| function and examine the |PCS| and |Projection| field
% values.
info = geotiffinfo('boston.tif');

% The length unit of the coordinates are defined by the |UOMLength| field
% in the |info| structure.

% To import the image and the spatial referencing object, use
% |geotiffread|.
[boston, R] = geotiffread('boston.tif');

%% Example 2: Display Raster Data in Projected Coordinate Reference System
% You can display the image on a regular MATLAB axes using |mapshow|, which
% displays the image and sets the axes limits to the limits defined by the
% referencing object, |R|. The coordinates, as mentioned above, are in |US
% survey foot| and are relative to an origin to the southwest of the map,
% which is why the numbers are large. The coordinates are always positive
% within the zone.
mapshow(boston, R)
axis image

%% Example 3: Import Vector Data in Projected Coordinate Reference System
% Geographic vector data that contains coordinates in a projected
% coordinate reference system can be stored in shapefiles. This example
% illustrates how to import vector data in a projected coordinate reference
% system from the shapefile, |boston_roads.shp|. In general, shapefiles
% contain the projection information in an auxiliary .prj file. This file
% is not included with the Mapping Toolbox(TM) software for |boston_roads|.
% However, you can determine the coordinate reference system from the
% |boston_roads.txt| file that is included with the Mapping Toolbox(TM)
% software which states, _"All data distributed by MassGIS are registered
% to the NAD83 datum, Massachusetts State Plane Mainland Zone coordinate
% system. Units are in meters."_

% Import vector line data from the |boston_roads.shp| file included
% with the Mapping Toolbox(TM) software.
roads = shaperead('boston_roads');

%% Example 4: Display Vector and Raster Data in Projected Coordinate Reference System
% The vector and raster data in this example are in the same projected
% coordinate reference system, _Massachusetts State Plane Mainland Zone_.
% However, the vector data is in length units of meter, while the raster
% data is in length unit of survey foot. Convert the raster data to length
% units of meter and display the data on the same axes.

% Convert the coordinates of the raster image from units of US survey foot to meter. 
R.XWorldLimits = R.XWorldLimits * unitsratio('m','sf');
R.YWorldLimits = R.YWorldLimits * unitsratio('m','sf');

% Display the raster image and vector data using |mapshow|.
mapshow(boston, R)
title('Boston and Roads')

%% Example 5: Display Data in both Geographic and Projected Coordinate Reference Systems
% You may have geographic data whose coordinates are in latitude and
% longitude and other data whose coordinates are in a projected coordinate
% reference system. You can display these data sets in the same map
% display. This example illustrates how to display data in a geographic
% coordinate reference system (latitude and longitude) with data in a
% projected map coordinate reference system (Massachusetts State Plane
% Mainland Zone coordinate system).

% Read a raster image with a worldfile whose coordinates are in latitude
% and longitude. Use |imread| to read the image and |worldfileread| to read
% the worldfile and construct a spatial referencing object.
filename = 'boston_ovr.jpg';
overview = imread(filename);
overviewR = worldfileread(getworldfilename(filename), 'geographic', size(overview));

% To display the overview image and the GeoTIFF image in the same map
% display, you need to create a map display using a Mapping Toolbox(TM)
% projection structure containing the projection information for the data
% in the projected coordinate reference system, _Massachusetts State Plane
% Mainland Zone coordinate system_. To make a map display in this system,
% you can use the projection information contained in the GeoTIFF file. Use
% the |geotiff2mstruct| function to construct a Mapping Toolbox(TM)
% projection structure, from the contents of the GeoTIFF information
% structure. The |geotiff2mstruct| function returns a projection in units
% of meters. Use the projection structure to define the projection
% parameters for the map display.
mstruct = geotiff2mstruct(info);

% Use the latitude and longitude limits of the Boston overview image.
latlim = overviewR.LatitudeLimits;
lonlim = overviewR.LongitudeLimits;

% Create a map display by using the projection information stored in the
% map projection structure and set the map latitude and longitude limits.
% Display the geographic data in the map axes. |geoshow| projects the
% latitude and longitude coordinates.
figure('Renderer', 'opengl')
ax = axesm(mstruct, 'Grid', 'on',...
    'GColor', [.9 .9 .9], ...
    'MapLatlimit', latlim, 'MapLonLimit', lonlim, ...
    'ParallelLabel', 'on', 'PLabelLocation', .025, 'PlabelMeridian', 'west', ...
    'MeridianLabel', 'on', 'MlabelLocation', .05, 'MLabelParallel', 'south', ...
    'MLabelRound', -2, 'PLabelRound', -2, ...
    'PLineVisible', 'on', 'PLineLocation', .025, ...
    'MLineVisible', 'on', 'MlineLocation', .05);
geoshow(overview, overviewR)
axis off
title({'Boston and Surrounding Region', 'Geographic Coordinates'})

% Since the coordinates of the GeoTIFF image are in a projected coordinate
% reference system, use |mapshow| to overlay the more detailed Boston image
% onto the display. Plot the boundaries of the Boston image in red.
mapshow(boston, R)
plot(R.XWorldLimits([1 1 2 2 1]), R.YWorldLimits([1 2 2 1 1]), 'Color', 'red')
title({'Boston and Surrounding Region', 'Geographic and Projected Coordinates'})

% Zoom to the geographic region of the GeoTIFF image by setting the axes
% limits to the limits of the Boston image and add a small buffer. Note
% that the buffer size (|delta|) is expressed in meters.
delta = 1000;
xLimits = R.XWorldLimits + [-delta delta];
yLimits = R.YWorldLimits + [-delta delta];
setm(ax, 'Grid', 'off');

% You can overlay the road vectors onto the map display. Use a
% symbol specification to give each class of road its own color.
roadColors = makesymbolspec('Line',...
    {'CLASS', 2, 'Color', 'k'}, ...
    {'CLASS', 3, 'Color', 'g'},...
    {'CLASS', 4, 'Color', 'magenta'}, ...
    {'CLASS', 5, 'Color', 'cyan'}, ...
    {'CLASS', 6, 'Color', 'b'},...
    {'Default',  'Color', 'k'});
mapshow(roads, 'SymbolSpec', roadColors)
title({'Boston and Surrounding Region','Including Boston Roads'})

% You can also overlay data from a GPS stored in a GPX file. Import point
% geographic vector data from the |boston_placenames.gpx| file included
% with the Mapping Toolbox(TM) software. The file contains latitude and
% longitude coordinates of geographic point features in part of Boston,
% Massachusetts, USA. Use |gpxread| to read the GPX file and return a
% |geopoint vector|. 
placenames = gpxread('boston_placenames')

% Overlay the placenames onto the map and increase the marker size, change
% the markers to circles and set their edge and face colors to yellow.
geoshow(placenames, 'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize', 6, ...
    'MarkerEdgeColor', 'y', 'MarkerFaceColor','y')
title({'Boston and Surrounding Region','Including Boston Roads and Placenames'})

%% Credits
% boston.tif, boston_ovr.jpg:
%    Copyright GeoEye 
%    Includes material copyrighted by GeoEye, all rights reserved.
%    (GeoEye was merged into the DigitalGlobe corporation January 29th,
%    2013.)
%    For more information, run: 
%    >> type boston.txt
%    >> type boston_ovr.txt
% boston_roads.shp, boston_placenames.gpx:
%    Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS),
%    Commonwealth of Massachusetts  Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
%    http://www.state.ma.us/mgis
%    For more information, run: 
%    >> type boston_roads.txt
%    >> type boston_placenames_gpx.txt