www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ReadAndWriteTIFFFileContainingRPCMetadataExample.m

    %% Read and Write TIFF File Containing RPC Metadata
% This example shows how to read a file containing RPC metadata, modify the
% file, and then write the file, including the RPC metadata in the new
% file. To illustrate this process, the example first creates a sample TIFF
% file containing RPC Metadata.
%% Create a Sample TIFF File with RPC Metadata
% Create a sample test TIFF file containing RPC metadata. For this test
% file, create a toy image and a referencing object associated with the
% image.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

myimage = zeros(180,360);
latlim = [-90 90];
lonlim = [-180 180];
R = georefcells(latlim,lonlim,size(myimage));
% Create an |RPCCoefficientTag| metadata object and set some fields with
% typical values. The toolbox uses the |RPCCoefficientTag| object to
% represent RPC metadata in human readable form.
rpctag = map.geotiff.RPCCoefficientTag;
rpctag.LineOffset = 1;
rpctag.SampleOffset = 1;
rpctag.LineScale = 2;
rpctag.SampleScale = 2;
rpctag.GeodeticHeightScale = 500;
% Write the image, the associated referencing object, and the
% |RPCCoefficentTag| object to a file. 
%% Read the Metadata and Image Data from the Sample TIFF File
% Read the metadata and the image data from the test file. |geotiffinfo|
% returns the RPC metadata in the GeoTIFFTags field of the structure
% returned.
info = geotiffinfo('myfile');
[imagedata, R] = geotiffread('myfile');
%% Write Modified Image Data and RPC Metadata to File
% First modify the image data read from the file. For example, set all the
% zero-valued pixels to 1 in the image.
imagedata(imagedata==0)= 1;
% Write the modified image to a file, along with the RPC metadata from
% the original file.