www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/ReorientGriddedDataExample.m

    %% Reorient Gridded Data
% This example shows how to transform a regular data grid into a new
% one with its data rearranged to correspond to a new coordinate system
% using the |neworig| function. You can transform coordinate systems of
% data grids as well as vector data. When regular data grids are
% manipulated in this manner, distance and azimuth calculations with the
% map variable become row and column operations.
% Load the |topo| data set and transform it to a new coordinate system in
% which a point in Sri Lanka (7 degrees N, 80 degrees E) is the north pole.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load topo
origin = newpole(7,80)
% Reorient the data grid with the |neworig| function, using this
% orientation vector. Note that the result, |[Z,lat,lon]| , is a geolocated
% data grid, not a regular data grid like the original |topo| data.
[Z,lat,lon] = neworig(topo,topolegend,origin);
% Display the new map, in normal aspect, as its orientation vector shows.
% Note that every cell in the first row of the new grid is 0 to 1 degrees
% distant from the point new origin. Every cell in its second row is 1
% to 2 degrees distant, and so on. In addition, every cell in a particular
% column has the same great circle azimuth from the new origin.
axesm miller
latlim = [ -90  90];
lonlim = [-180 180];
gratsize = [90 180];
[lat,lon] = meshgrat(latlim,lonlim,gratsize);
mstruct = getm(gca);