www.gusucode.com > map 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > map/mapexmap.m

    %% Creating Maps Using MAPSHOW
% This example shows how to create a range of different maps using
% |mapshow|.

% Copyright 2003-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Map 1: Concord Roads - A Geographic Data Structure
% Display a geographic data structure array with lines representing
% roads. In the shapefile 'concord_roads.shp', the road coordinates have
% been pre-projected to the Massachusetts Mainland State Plane system
% (in meters), so the shapefile is imported into a mapstruct (the
% variable 'roads').
roads = shaperead('concord_roads.shp');
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')

%% Map 2: Concord Roads with Custom LineStyle
% Display the roads shape and change the LineStyle.
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')

%% Map 3: Concord Roads with SymbolSpec 
% Display the roads shape, and render using a SymbolSpec.

% To learn about the |concord_roads.shp| dataset, read its associated
% |concord_roads.txt| metadata file which describes the attributes.
type concord_roads.txt

% Query the attributes in this roads file.
roads = shaperead('concord_roads.shp')

% Find out how many roads fall in each CLASS.
histcounts([roads.CLASS],'BinLimits',[1 7],'BinMethod','integer')

% Find out how many roads fall in each ADMIN_TYPE.
histcounts([roads.ADMIN_TYPE],'BinLimits',[0 3],'BinMethod','integer')

% Notice that there are no roads in this file that are CLASS 1 or 7, and
% the roads are either ADMIN_TYPE 0 or 3.
% Create a SymbolSpec to: 
% * Color local roads (ADMIN_TYPE=0) black. 
% * Color state roads (ADMIN_TYPE=3) red.
% * Hide very minor roads (CLASS=6).
% * Set major or larger roads (CLASS=1-4) with a LineWidth of 2.0.
roadspec = makesymbolspec('Line',...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',0, 'Color','black'}, ...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',3, 'Color','red'},...
    {'CLASS',6, 'Visible','off'},...
    {'CLASS',[1 4], 'LineWidth',2});
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')

%% Map 4: Concord Roads, Override SymbolSpec 
% Override a graphics property of the SymbolSpec.
roadspec = makesymbolspec('Line',...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',0, 'Color','black'}, ...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',3, 'Color','red'},...
    {'CLASS',6, 'Visible','off'},...
    {'CLASS',[1 4], 'LineWidth',2});
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')
%% Map 5: Boston Roads with SymbolSpec, Override Defaults
% Override default property of the SymbolSpec.
roadspec = makesymbolspec('Line',...
    {'Default', 'Color','green'}, ...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',0, 'Color','black'}, ...
    {'ADMIN_TYPE',3, 'Color','red'},...
    {'CLASS',6, 'Visible','off'},...
    {'CLASS',[1 4], 'LineWidth',2});
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')

%% Map 6: GeoTIFF Image of Boston
% Display the Boston GeoTIFF image; includes material (c) GeoEye(TM), all
% rights reserved.
mapshow boston.tif
axis image manual off

% Read Boston placenames in order to overlay on top of the GeoTIFF image.
S = shaperead('boston_placenames.shp');

% The projection in the GeoTIFF file is in units of survey feet. The point
% coordinates in the shapefile are in meters. Therefore, we need to convert
% the placename coordinates from meters to survey feet in order to overlay
% the points on the image.
surveyFeetPerMeter = unitsratio('sf', 'meter');
for k = 1:numel(S)
    S(k).X = surveyFeetPerMeter * S(k).X;
    S(k).Y = surveyFeetPerMeter * S(k).Y;

% Display the placenames.
text([S.X], [S.Y], {S.NAME}, 'Color', [0 0 0], ...
    'BackgroundColor',[0.9 0.9 0],'Clipping','on');

% Zoom in on a selected region.
xlim([ 772007,  775582])
ylim([2954572, 2956535])

%% Map 7: Pond with Islands over Orthophoto Backdrop
% Display a pond with three large islands (feature 14 in the
% concord_hydro_area shapefile).  Note that islands are visible in the
% orthophoto through three "holes" in the pond polygon. Display roads in
% the same figure.
[ortho, cmap] = imread('concord_ortho_w.tif');
R = worldfileread('concord_ortho_w.tfw', 'planar', size(ortho));
mapshow(ortho, cmap, R)

% Save map limits used for image
xLimits = xlim;
yLimits = ylim;
pond = shaperead('concord_hydro_area.shp', 'RecordNumbers', 14);
hold on
mapshow(pond, 'FaceColor', [0.3 0.5 1], 'EdgeColor', 'black')
mapshow('concord_roads.shp', 'Color', 'red', 'LineWidth', 1);
xlabel('easting in meters')
ylabel('northing in meters')

% Restore map limits to match image

%% Map 8: Mount Washington SDTS Digital Elevation Model

% View the Mount Washington terrain data as a mesh. The data grid is
% georeferenced to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 19.
h = mapshow('9129CATD.ddf','DisplayType','mesh');
Z = h.ZData;
xlabel('UTM easting in meters')
ylabel('UTM northing in meters')

% View the Mount Washington terrain data as a 3-D surface. Use the default
% 3-D view, which shows how the range looks from the southwest.
axis equal;
xlabel('UTM easting in meters')
ylabel('UTM northing in meters')
zlabel('Elevation in feet')

%% Map 9: Mount Washington and Mount Dartmouth on One Map with Contours
% Display the grid and contour lines of Mount Washington and Mount
% Dartmouth.

% Read the terrain data files.
[Z_W, R_W] = arcgridread('MtWashington-ft.grd');
[Z_D, R_D] = arcgridread('MountDartmouth-ft.grd');

% Display the terrain data as a surface in the z == 0 plane,
% so that overlying contour lines and labels will be visible.
hold on
xlabel('UTM easting in meters')
ylabel('UTM northing in meters')
axis equal

% Overlay black contour lines and labels.
cW = mapshow(Z_W, R_W, 'DisplayType', 'contour', ...
   'LineColor', 'black', 'ShowText', 'on');
cD = mapshow(Z_D, R_D, 'DisplayType', 'contour', ...
   'LineColor', 'black', 'ShowText', 'on');

%% Credits
% boston_roads.shp, concord_roads.shp, concord_hydro_line.shp,
% concord_hydro_area.shp, concord_ortho_e.tif:
%    Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS),
%    Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
%    http://www.state.ma.us/mgis
% boston.tif
%    Copyright GeoEye 
%    Includes material copyrighted by GeoEye, all rights reserved.      
%    (GeoEye was merged into the DigitalGlobe corporation January 29th,
%    2013.)
%    For more information, run: 
%    >> type boston.txt
% 9129CATD.ddf (and supporting files): 
%    United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute Digital Elevation
%    Model (DEM) in Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) format for the
%    Mt. Washington quadrangle, with elevation in meters.
%    http://edc.usgs.gov/products/elevation/dem.html
%    For more information, run: 
%    >> type 9129.txt
% MtWashington-ft.grd, MountDartmouth-ft.grd:
%    MtWashington-ft.grd is the same DEM as 9129CATD.ddf, but converted to
%    Arc ASCII Grid format with elevation in feet.
%    MountDartmouth-ft.grd is an adjacent DEM, also converted to Arc ASCII
%    Grid with elevation in feet.
%    For more information, run: 
%    >> type MtWashington-ft.txt
%    >> type MountDartmouth-ft.txt