www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/AddDaystoaSerialDateNumberExample.m

    %% Add Days to a Serial Date Number  
% This example shows how to add a rational number of days to a serial date
% number.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% The |now| function returns the current date in serial date number format.
% You can add a number to this date. For this example, add 50 days. 
futuredate = now+50  

% Alternatively, the initial date might be in date string format. Convert
% the date to a serial date number using the |datenum| function. 
initialdate = datenum('21.03.2012 13:15','dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM');  

% Add a rational number of dates to the initial date. In this example, add
% 5.5 days. 
futuredate = initialdate + 5.5  

% You can convert the future date to date string format. 
datestr(futuredate,'dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM')