www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/AlphabetizeCategoriesofNonordinalCategoricalArrayExample.m

    %% Alphabetize Categories of Nonordinal Categorical Array  

% Create two categorical arrays, |X| and |Y|. 
X = categorical({'frog';'cat';'cat';'ant';'frog'})

Y = categorical({'deer';'bear';'eagle';'deer'}) 

% |X| is a 5-by-1 categorical array. The categories of |X| are the sorted
% unique values from the array: |{'ant';'cat';'frog'}|. 

% |Y| is a 4-by-1 categorical array. The categories of |Y| are the sorted
% unique values from the array: |{'bear';'deer';'eagle'}|.  

% Concatenate |X| and |Y| into a single categorical array, |A|. 
A = [X;Y] 

% |vertcat| appends the values from |Y| to the values from |X|.  

% List the categories of the categorical array, |A|. 
acats = categories(A) 

% |vertcat| appends the categories of |Y| to the categories from |X|. The
% categories of |A| are _not_ in alphabetical order.  

% Reorder the categories of |A| into alphabetical order. 
B = reordercats(A) 

% The output categorical array, |B|, has the same elements in the same order
% as the input categorical array, |A|.  

% List the categories of the categorical array, |B|. 
bcats = categories(B) 

% The categories of |B| are in alphabetical order.