www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ApplyAggregationFunctiontoEachGroupExample.m

    %% Apply Aggregation Function to Each Group  
% Unstack data and apply an aggregation function to multiple rows in the
% same group that have the same values in the indicator variable.   

% Create a table containing data on the price of two stocks over 2 days. 
Date = [repmat({'4/12/2008'},6,1);...
Stock = {'Stock1';'Stock2';'Stock1';'Stock2';...
Price = [60.35;27.68;64.19;25.47;28.11;27.98;...

S = table(Date,Stock,Price) 

% |S| contains two prices for |STOCK1| during the first day and four prices
% for |STOCK2| during the first day.  

% Create a table containing separate variables for each stock and one row
% for each day. Use |Date| as the grouping variable and apply the aggregation
% function, |@mean|, to the numeric values from the variable, |Price|, for
% each group. 
[U,is] = unstack(S,'Price','Stock',...

% |U| contains the average price for each stock grouped by date. 

% |is| identifies the index of the first value for each group of rows in
% |S|. The first value for the group |'4/13/2008'| is in the seventh row
% of |S|.