www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ApplyRationalTransferFunctionToMatrixExample.m

    %% Filter Matrix Data
% This example filters a matrix of data with the following rational transfer function:
% $$H(z) = \frac{b(1)}{a(1)+a(2)z^{-1}}=\frac{1}{1-0.2z^{-1}}$$

% Create a 15-by-2 matrix of random input data. 
rng default  %initialize random number generator
x = rand(15,2);

% Define the numerator and denominator coefficients for the rational
% transfer function.
b = 1;
a = [1 -0.2];

% Apply the transfer function along the first dimension of |x| and return
% the 1-D digital filter of each column.  Plot the first column of original
% data against the filtered data.
y = filter(b,a,x);

t = 0:length(x)-1;  %index vector

hold on
legend('Input Data','Filtered Data')
title('First Column')

% Plot the second column of input data against the filtered data.
hold on
legend('Input Data','Filtered Data')
title('Second Column')