www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/CommonWaystoAccessDataUsingCategoricalArraysExample.m

    %% Common Ways to Access Data Using Categorical Arrays  
% This example shows how to index and search using categorical arrays. You
% can access data using categorical arrays stored within a table in a similar
% manner.   

%% Load Sample Data 
% Load sample data gathered from 100 patients. 
load patients

%% Create Categorical Arrays from Cell Arrays of Character Vectors
% |Gender| and |Location| contain data that belong in categories. Each cell 
% array contains character vectors taken from a small set of unique values
% (indicating two genders and three locations respectively). Convert |Gender| 
% and |Location| to categorical arrays. 
Gender = categorical(Gender);
Location = categorical(Location);  

%% Search for Members of a Single Category 
% For categorical arrays, you can use the logical operators |==| and |~=|
% to find the data that is in, or not in, a particular category. 
% Determine if there are any patients observed at the location, |'Rampart
% General Hospital'|. 
any(Location=='Rampart General Hospital') 

% There are no patients observed at Rampart General Hospital.  

%% Search for Members of a Group of Categories 
% You can use |ismember| to find data in a particular group of categories.
% Create a logical vector for the patients observed at |County General Hospital|
% or |VA Hospital|. 
VA_CountyGenIndex = ...
    ismember(Location,{'County General Hospital','VA Hospital'}); 

% |VA_CountyGenIndex| is a 100-by-1 logical array containing logical |true|
% (|1|) for each element in the categorical array |Location| that is a member
% of the category |County General Hospital| or |VA Hospital|. The output,
% |VA_CountyGenIndex| contains 76 nonzero elements.  

% Use the logical vector, |VA_CountyGenIndex| to select the |LastName| of
% the patients observed at either |County General Hospital| or |VA Hospital|. 
VA_CountyGenPatients = LastName(VA_CountyGenIndex); 

% |VA_CountyGenPatients| is a 76-by-1 cell array of character vectors.  

%% Select Elements in a Particular Category to Plot 
% Use the |summary| function to print a summary containing the category
% names and the number of elements in each category. 

% |Location| is a 100-by-1 categorical array with three categories. |County
% General Hospital| occurs in 39 elements, |St. Mary s Medical Center| in
% 24 elements, and |VA Hospital| in 37 elements.  

% Use the |summary| function to print a summary of |Gender|. 

% |Gender| is a 100-by-1 categorical array with two categories. |Female|
% occurs in 53 elements and |Male| occurs in 47 elements.  

% Use logical operator |==| to access the age of only the female patients.
% Then plot a histogram of this data. 
title('Age of Female Patients')    

% |histogram(Age(Gender=='Female'))| plots the age data for the 53 female 
% patients.  

%% Delete Data from a Particular Category 
% You can use logical operators to include or exclude data from particular
% categories. Delete all patients observed at |VA Hospital| from the workspace
% variables, |Age| and |Location|. 
Age = Age(Location~='VA Hospital');
Location = Location(Location~='VA Hospital');

% Now, |Age| is a 63-by-1 numeric array, and |Location| is a 63-by-1
% categorical array.  

% List the categories of |Location|, as well as the number of elements in
% each category. 

% The patients observed at |VA Hospital| are deleted from |Location|, but
% |VA Hospital| is still a category.  

% Use the |removecats| function to remove |VA Hospital| from the categories
% of |Location|. 
Location = removecats(Location,'VA Hospital');  

% Verify that the category, |VA Hospital|, was removed. 

% |Location| is a 63-by-1 categorical array that has two categories.  

%% Delete Element
% You can delete elements by indexing. For example, you can remove the
% first element of |Location| by selecting the rest of the elements with 
% |Location(2:end)|. However, an easier way to delete elements is to 
% use |[]|.
Location(1) = [];

% |Location| is a 62-by-1 categorical array that has two categories.
% Deleting the first element has no effect on other elements from the same
% category and does not delete the category itself. 

%% Check for Undefined Data 
% Remove the category |County General Hospital| from |Location|. 
Location = removecats(Location,'County General Hospital');  

% Display the first eight elements of the categorical array, |Location|. 

% After removing the category, |County General Hospital|, elements that
% previously belonged to that category no longer belong to any category
% defined for |Location|. Categorical arrays denote these elements as |undefined|.

% Use the function |isundefined| to find observations that do not belong
% to any category. 
undefinedIndex = isundefined(Location); 

% |undefinedIndex| is a 62-by-1 categorical array containing logical |true|
% (|1|) for all undefined elements in |Location|.   

%% Set Undefined Elements
% Use the |summary| function to print the number of undefined elements in 
% |Location|. 

% The first element of |Location| belongs to the category, |St. Mary's
% Medical Center|. Set the first element to be |undefined| so that it no
% longer belongs to any category. 
Location(1) = '<undefined>';

% You can make selected elements |undefined| without removing a category or
% changing the categories of other elements. Set elements to be |undefined| 
% to indicate elements with values that are unknown. 

%% Preallocate Categorical Arrays with Undefined Elements
% You can use undefined elements to preallocate the size of a categorical 
% array for better performance. Create a categorical array that has
% elements with known locations only.
definedIndex = ~isundefined(Location);
newLocation = Location(definedIndex);

% Expand the size of |newLocation| so that it is a 200-by-1 categorical 
% array. Set the last new element to be |undefined|. All of the other new 
% elements also are set to be |undefined|. The 23 original elements keep the
% values they had.
newLocation(200) = '<undefined>';

% |newLocation| has room for values you plan to store in the array later.