www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ComputeDeterminantofInverseofIllConditionedMatrixExample.m

    %% Compute Determinant of Inverse of Ill-Conditioned Matrix  
% Examine how to calculate the determinant of the matrix inverse |A^(-1)|,
% for an ill-conditioned matrix |A|, without explicitly calculating
% |A^(-1)|.

% Create a 10-by-10 Hilbert matrix, |A|. 
A = hilb(10);  

% Find the condition number of |A|. 
c = cond(A) 

% The large condition number suggests that |A| is close to being singular,
% so calculating |inv(A)| might produce inaccurate results. Therefore, the
% inverse determinant calculation |det(inv(A))| is also inaccurate.  

% Calculate the determinant of the inverse of |A| by exploiting the fact
% that
% $$det\left( A^ {-1} \right) = \frac{1}{det\left(A\right)}$$
d1 = 1/det(A) 

% This method avoids computing the inverse of the matrix, |A|.  

% Calculate the determinant of the exact inverse of the Hilbert matrix,
% |A|, using |invhilb|. Compare the result to |d1| to find the relative
% error in |d1|. 
d = det(invhilb(10));
relError = abs(d1-d)/abs(d) 

% The relative error in |d1| is reasonably small. Avoiding the explicit
% computation of the inverse of |A| minimizes it.  

% For comparison, also calculate the determinant of the inverse of |A| by
% explicitly calculating the inverse. Compare the result to |d| to see the
% relative error. 
d2 = det(inv(A));
relError2 = abs(d2-d)/abs(d) 

% The relative error in the calculation of |d2| is many orders of magnitude
% larger than that of |d1|.