www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/CreateNewNetCDFFileFromExistingFileOrTemplateExample.m

    %% Create New NetCDF File From Existing File or Template
% This example shows how to create a new NetCDF file that contains the
% variable, dimension, and group definitions of an existing file, but uses
% a different format.
% Create a file containing one variable, using the |nccreate| function.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Write data to the file.
A = 99;
% Read the variable, dimension, and group definitions from the file using
% |ncinfo|. This information defines the file's _schema_.
S = ncinfo('myfile.nc');
% Get the format of the file.
file_fmt = S.Format
% Change the value of the |Format| field in the structure, |S|, to another
% supported NetCDF format.
S.Format = 'netcdf4';
% Create a new version of the file that uses the new format, using the
% |ncwriteschema| function. A schema defines the structure of the file but
% does not contain any of the data that was in the original file.
S = ncinfo('newfile.nc');
% *Note:*   When you convert a file's format using |ncwriteschema|, you might
% get a warning message if the original file format includes fields that
% are not supported by the new format. For example, the netcdf4 format
% supports fill values but the NetCDF classic format does not. In these
% cases, |ncwriteschema| still creates the file, but omits the field
% that is undefined in the new format.
% View the format of the new file.
new_fmt = S.Format
% The new file, |newfile.nc|, contains the variable
% and dimension definitions of |myfile.nc|, but does not
% contain the data. 
% Write data to the new file.