www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/CreateTallArrayExample.m

    %% Create Tall Array 
% Convert a datastore into a tall array.

% First, create a datastore for the data set. You can specify either a full
% or relative file location for the data set using |datastore(location)| to
% create the datastore. The |location| argument can specify:
% * A single file, such as |'airlinesmall.csv'|
% * Several files with the same extension, such as |'*.csv'|
% * An entire folder of files, such as |'C:\MyData'|
% |datastore| also has several options to specify file and text format
% properties when you create the datastore.

% Create a datastore for the |airlinesmall.csv| data set. Treat |'NA'|
% values as missing data so that they are replaced with |NaN| values.
% Select a small subset of the variables to work with.
varnames = {'ArrDelay', 'DepDelay', 'Origin', 'Dest'};
ds = datastore('airlinesmall.csv', 'TreatAsMissing', 'NA', ...
    'SelectedVariableNames', varnames);

% Use |tall| to create a tall array for the data in the datastore. Since
% the data in |ds| is tabular, the result is a tall table. If the data is
% not tabular, then |tall| creates a tall cell array instead.
T = tall(ds)

% You can use many common MATLAB(R) operators and functions to work with
% tall arrays. For a list of supported functions, see:
% * <docid:import_export.bvc7_x4-1>